Biofloc and Shrimp Immunity
et al
. (2013) studied the effect of biofloc on growth and
immune activity of Pacific white shrimp post-larvae and found
dense microbial population associated with bioflocs induces a
trigger toward the development and maintenance of the shrimp
immune system. More than 2,000 bacterial species have been found
in well-developed biofloc water. Bioflocs enhance the non-specific
immune system of shrimp, based on mRNA expression of six
immune-related genes: ProPO1, proPO2, PPAE, ran, mas and SP1.
This mechanismmay be an important means to protect shrimp
against drastic disease outbreaks, which often lead to collapse of
shrimp production systems and huge losses.
A study at Bogor University, Indonesia and Ghent University,
Belgium revealed that the biofloc system contributes to the
enhancement of immune response and survival after IMNV
challenge, regardless of carbon source. The application of biofloc
technology brings about beneficial effect in disease control and
management in shrimp culture.
A workshop on biofloc technology and shrimp diseases was
held in Ho Chi Minh City from December 9-10, 2013. Ekasari
reported higher phenoloxidase activity (an immune indicator)
in response to carbon loading in a biofloc system. Avnimelech
showed significantly lower infection of tilapia by
biofloc compared to clear water system. Wasielesky
showed that
biofloc can be successful in preventing WSSV in southern Brazil.
presented on possible use of biofloc system as biosecurity in
preventing diseases in shrimp culture (Table 3).
In summary, the main attributes of biofloc systems that reduce
the risk of shrimp disease are:
Low rates of water exchange improve pathogen exclusion
Continuous aeration provides stable water quality (DO and
A diverse and stable microbial community stimulates
the non-specific immune system and limits development of
opportunistic species like
Regular removal of accumulated sludge controls biofloc
concentration to moderate levels.
Nyan Taw, Ph.D, Technical Consultant, Blue Archipelago Berhad,
nyan.taw@bluearchipelago.comFormer Chief Technical Advisor (CTA) and Consultant for FAO of
the United Nations
Presentations at ‘Workshop on biofloc technology and shrimp
diseases’ held on 9-10 December 2013 in Ho Chi Min City,
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Biofloc systems—a recent technology—offer a promise of stable and sustainable production,
inasmuch as the system is operated without water exchange and so has an enhanced capacity
for nitrification within the culture ponds.