Sponsored Publications Request for Proposals
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one or more projects up to $5,000 each year. However, special consideration will be given to worthwhile projects that
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The publication will be property of the USAS and will be sold through the WAS bookstore.
Phone: 501-676-3124 • Email:
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Hung, S.S.O., C.Y. Cho and S.J. Slinger. 1981. Effect of oxidized fish
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on the vitamin E nutrition of rainbow trout (
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Hung, S.S.O., T.W. Moon, J.W. Hilton and S.J. Slinger
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Gatta, P. P., M Pirini, S Testi, G Vignola and P. G. Monetti. 2000.
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Gouillou-Coustans, M.F., P. Bergot and S.J. Kaushik. 1998.
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Henderson, R.J., M.V. Bell and J.R. Sargent. 1985. The conversion
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homogenates of the turbot,
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Ishizaki, Y., T. Takeuchi, T. Watanabe, M. Arimoto and K. Shimizu.
1998. A preliminary experiment of the effect of
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( C O N T I N U E D O N P A G E 3 4 )