Fundamentals of Aquaculture

Fundamentals of Aquaculture covers all aspects of commercial aquaculture.
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Fundamentals of Aquaculture covers all aspects of commercial aquaculture. The book is written as a college text and as a guide for the beginning fish farmer, but is also a good reference for the experienced fish farmer. Chapters include: getting started; aquatic food production and people; which species to culture; social and legal considerations; site selection and culture systems; water requirements; water management; fertilization, liming and pond muds; feeds and nutrition; maintaining health of a culture species; predators and pests; aquatic plants and weeds; seed production and stock improvement; maximizing production and profit; harvesting and processing; marketing; and developing a business plan.

James W. Avault - Author
Published in 1996, soft cover, 889 pages, 280 photographs, and 50 line drawings.

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