WAS Committee Assignments 2024 - 2025
WAS Committee Assignments 2024-2025 |
EXCOM - Consists of the president, Immediate past president, president elect and the treasurer |
Chair |
Members |
Contact |
David Cline |
Humberto Villarreal |
humberto04@cibnor.mx |
Matt Parker |
mparke11@umd.edu |
Ex-officio |
John Cooksey |
worldaqua@was.org |
Ex-officio |
Judy Andrasko |
judy@was.org |
Updated (9/15/2024 by:DJC) |
ELECTIONS COMMITTEE- shall consist of the Immediate Past-President as chairperson, the current President, and the President-Elect, a representative from each Chapter, two Board-approved members who have not previously served on the board, and may include one or two other members, appointed at the discretion of the President. The Election Committee shall be responsible for all matters pertaining to the conduct of the annual election, including assembling a slate of nominees for the approval of the Board, compiling and distributing the ballot, and tabulating the votes cast by the membership |
Chair |
Members |
Contact |
Humberto Villarreal |
Co-Chair Jennifer Blair |
JenniferB@ornatas.com.au |
humberto04@cibnor.mx |
David Cline |
clinedj@auburn.edu |
Wendy Sealey |
Wendy.Sealey@usda.gov |
HK Lim |
limhk@mokpo.ac.kr |
Luis Gonzalez Agraz |
oceanologo@gmail.com |
Abigail Bockus |
abockua@aquarange.org |
Bibha Kumari |
Bibhak136@gmail.com |
Lionel Dabbadie |
Lionel.Dabbadie@fao.org |
Lorenzo Juarez |
lorenzojuarez@yahoo.com |
Updated ( 09/20/24 by DJC ) |
FINANCE & LONG-RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEE - shall consist of the Treasurer and three or more appointed members. The committee shall consult with the WAS Executive Director and shall also be responsible for planning and evaluating the financial aspects of proposed conferences, projects and activities of the Society. |
Chair |
Members |
Contact |
Matt Parker |
Amy Stone |
Mparke11@umd.edu |
Jonathan van Senten |
Ganesh Karunakaran |
Anita Kelly |
Luis Agraz Gonzalez |
John Cooksey |
worldaqua@was.org |
Judy Andrasko |
judya@was.org |
Ex-officio |
David Cline |
clinedj@auburn.edu |
Ex-officio |
Wendy Sealey |
wendy.sealey22@gmail.com |
Updated (9/20/24 by DJC) |
RULES & REGULATIONS COMMITTEE – shall consist of the Secretary and two or more additional members. The Rules and Regulations Committee shall consist of the Secretary and two or more additional members. It shall be the duty of this committee to study the Articles, Bylaws, Rules and Regulations of the Society and make recommendations for revisions. |
Chair |
Members |
Contact |
Rumaitha Busaidi |
Reg Blaylock |
reg.blaylock@usm.edu |
rumaitha@rumaithabusaidi.com |
Jennifer Blair |
jennifer.cobcroft01@gmail.com |
Hillary Egna |
egnahs@gmail.com |
Maria Portella |
Anita Kelly |
amk0105@auburn.edu |
Ex-officio |
Wendy Sealey |
wendy.sealey@usda.gov |
Ex-officio |
David Cline |
Clinedj@auburn.edu |
Updated (9/20/24)
Conference Steering Committees. WAS representatives to Conference Steering Committees shall be appointed by the President. The WAS Conference Steering Committee representatives will represent the Society’s interest in planning and producing the meeting. |
Members |
Contact |
HONORS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE – shall consist of a chairman, who is the President -Elect, and five or more additional members appointed by the President Elect including all Chapter Presidents and one industry representative. This committee shall establish criteria for awards, review honors candidates and award nominees, provide judging for competitive awards and make award and honor-related recommendations to the Board. |
Chair |
Members |
Contact |
Wendy Sealey |
Abigail Bockus (US) |
abockus@aquarange.org |
wendy.sealey@usda.gov |
Bibha Kumari (APC) |
wendy.sealey22@gmail.com |
HK Lim (korea) |
limhk@mokpo.ac.kr |
Luis Gonzalez Agraz (LACC) |
oceanologo@gmail.com |
Foluke Areola (Africa) |
foareola@gmail.com |
Angela Caporelli |
angela.caporelli@ky.gov |
Yahira Piedrahita |
Bill Walton |
walton@vims.edu |
Ex-officio |
David Cline |
clinedj@auburn.edu |
Ex-officio |
Wandy Sealey |
wendy.sealey22@gmail.com |
Updated (9/20/24 by DJC) |
PAST PRESIDENTS - The Past Presidents Committee will be chaired by the Immediate Past President. Other members will consist of the past presidents of the World Aquaculture Society who are not serving on the Society's Board of Directors. This committee shall confine its deliberations to broad policy issues and special issues as requested by the Board and shall avoid direct involvement in routine affairs of the Society. The committee shall not meet with the Board of Directors, but shall report its findings to the Board through its chairman in the form of a committee report. |
Chair |
Members |
Contact |
Humberto Villarreal |
All past presidents |
Ex-officio |
David Cline |
clinedj@auburn.edu |
Ex-officio |
Wandy Sealey |
Updated (9/20/24 by DJC) |
PUBLICATIONS - The Publication Committee shall consist of a chairman, and at least two additional members, appointed by the President. The editors of the World Aquaculture magazine, the Journal of the World Aquaculture Society and the Advances in World Aquaculture book series will serve As ex-officio members. The committee shall be responsible for the content, production, and fiscal Management of the Society's publications, the appointment of editors, the enforcement of publication policy, and the preparation of an annual publication budget. Publication editors will be responsible for submitting a budget for their publications to the Treasurer as part of the annual budgeting process. Editors will be responsible for assuring that expenditures remain within approved budgets. |
Chair |
Members |
Contact |
Catriona Macleod |
Javier Martinez Cordero (Co-Chair) |
cordero@ciad.mx |
catriona.macleod@utas.edu.au |
Nicole Rhody |
nrhody@mote.org | ||
Miguel Costa Leal |
miguelcleal@gmail.com |
Albert Tacon |
agjtacon@aquahana.com |
Ex-officio |
Ken Cain |
Ex-officio |
Greg Lutz |
glutz@agcenter.lsu.edu | ||
Ex-officio |
David Cline |
Updated (date by name or initials)
STUDENT ACTIVITIES - The Student Activities Committee shall consist of a chairman and two or more additional members including the Chapter student representatives. The committee shall encourage the active participation of students in the affairs of the World Aquaculture Society, provide judging for competitive awards and pursue appropriate activities. |
Chair |
Members |
Contact |
Nicole Rhody |
Chris Green |
cgreen@agcenter.lsu.edu |
nrhody@mote.org |
Laura King |
lpescitelli@fau.edu |
Fanny Yasumaru |
Marina Rubio Benito |
rubi3631@vandals.uidaho.edu |
Ex-officio |
David Cline |
clinedj@auburn.edu |
Ex-officio |
Wandy Sealey |
Updated (date by initials or name)
INDUSTRY RELATIONS - The Industries Relations Committee shall consist of a chairman who is a board member, and at least two additional members, appointed by the President. The Industrial Relations Committee is responsible for maintaining positive relations between the World Aquaculture Society and the aquaculture industry. The Industry Relations Committee will administer a survey of the tradeshow participants at each annual meeting and report the results to the board with the goal of improving tradeshow quality. |
Chair |
Members |
Contact |
Angela Caporelli |
Yahira Piedrahita |
ypiedrahita@cideea.org |
angela.caporelli@ky.gov |
Foluke Areola |
foareola@gmail.com |
Javier Martinez Cordero |
cordero@ciad.mx |
Bibha Kumari |
bibhak136@gmail.com |
John Cooksey |
worldaqua@was.org |
Ex-officio |
David Cline |
Ex-officio |
Wandy Sealey |
(Updated: Date by Initials or name) |
PROMOTIONS & MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE - shall consist of a chairman or co-chairman, at least one representative from each Chapter, and one student member appointed by the President. The Committee shall interact with the Student Activities and Industry Relations Committees to solicit ideas and coordinate promotion and membership activities. The Committee shall develop recommendations to the Board of Directors associated with expanding global awareness of the World Aquaculture Society, improving member services, and retaining and increasing membership. |
Chair |
Members |
Contact |
Wendy Sealey |
Catriona Macleod (Co-Chair) |
catriona.macleod@utas.edu.au |
Dinesh Kaippilly |
dineshkaippilly@gmail.com |
Andres Piedrahita |
andrespw02@hotmail.com |
Laura King |
lpescitelli@fau.edu |
Hillary Egna |
egnahs@gmail.com |
Shivaun Leonard |
shivaunleonard@gmail.com |
Scott Snyder |
John Cooksey |
worldaqua@was.org |
Judy Andrasko |
judya@was.org |
Ex-officio |
David Cline |
Ex-officio |
Wandy Sealey |
Updated (date) by (initials or name)
FELLOWS COMMITTEE – shall consist of all WAS Fellows and shall elect a Chair from within its membership. This committee shall confine its deliberations to broad policy issues, strategic recommendations, special issues as requested by the Board or the President, and to activities that further the mission and global presence of WAS. Unless so charged, the Committee shall avoid direct involvement in routine affairs of the Society. The Committee shall not meet with the Board of Directors, but shall report its findings to the Board through its Chairman in the form of a committee report. (Established as a Standing Committee and defined by Board action September 2013, ratified by the membership May 2014). |
Chair |
Members |
Contact |
Sandy Shumway |
All Fellows |
sandra.shumway@uconn.edu |
Ex-officio |
David Cline |
Ex-officio |
Wandy Sealey |
COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE – shall consists of a Chair, the Executive Director, a member of the Home Office staff, a representative from each Chapter (preferably Chapter secretary or Secretariat), and up to two additional members appointed by the President. The editors of the World Aquaculture magazine, the Journal of the World Aquaculture Society and the Advances in World Aquaculture book series will serve as ex-officio members. |
Chair |
Members |
Contact |
Brian Small |
Etienne Hinrichsen (co-chair) |
bcsmall@uidaho.edu |
Abigail Bockus |
Angela Caporelli |
Blessing Mapfumo |
africanchapter@was.org |
Natchavee Angsuwattananon (nate) |
apcsec@was.org |
Carolina Amézquita |
Carolina@was.org |
Nicole Rhody |
John Cooksey |
worldaqua@was.org |
Judy Andrasko |
JudyA@was.org |
Ex Officio |
Greg Lutz |
glutz@agcenter.lsu.edu |
Ex Officio |
Ken Cain |
kcain@uidaho.edu |
Ex Officio |
David Cline |
clinedj@auburn.edu |
Wandy Sealey |
Updated 9/20/24 by DJC) |
STRATEGIC PLAN COMMITTEE – shall consist of the President, Past-President, President-Elect, Treasurer, Executive Director and two other members. *Voted to become a stand alone committee AQUA24 board meeting* |
Chair |
Members |
Contact |
David Cline |
Humberto Villarreal (Co-Chair) |
humberto04@cibnor.mx |
clinedj@auburn.edu |
Wendy Sealey |
Wendy.Sealey@usda.gov |
Matt Parker |
mparke11@umd.edu |
John Cooksey |
worldaqua@was.org |
New member |
New member |
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