WAS Strategic Plan 2020
WAS is renewing its strategic plan and we welcome your feedback……..
By Graham Mair
At its mid-year meeting held in Forteleza in Brazil 11-15 November 2015, the WAS Board’s Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee met for two days, accompanied by the majority of Board members, to develop the outline for the Society’s Strategic Plan for the next five years (2016-2020). The committee identified six higher level strategic goals on which the Board and staff will focus effort in the coming five years. The committee also identified seven second level goals representing continued focus on efforts initiated over the last 5 years.
WAS exists to serve its members and we welcome input and feedback on our development and so present here a summary of these draft strategic goals. We welcome your feedback on these goals and will continue to seek your input as the plan develops over the next 3 months. Please take our online survey [here] to provide feedback or write directly to the WAS home office.
Updated Mission Statement
The World Aquaculture Society (WAS) is the global leader in aquaculture science, contributing to the growth and development of aquaculture. We serve as a primary facilitator of information exchange, technology transfer, policy development, and communication between all sectors engaged in aquaculture
- Increase membership and global representation
Increase membership by a minimum of 25% in the next 5 years through improved understanding of regional requirements from professional society membership and targeted initiatives in regions and countries.
- Implement the re-invigoration Plan for the Journal of the World Aquaculture Society.
Targeting JWAS to become a leading aquaculture journal with a 10% improvement in member satisfaction and an impact factor greater than 1.5 by 2020.
- Deliver an effective, efficient and consistent communication platform that supports and enhances the WAS brand, Vison and Mission
Improve communication with our diverse membership through a range of traditional and modern media with a consistent message that enhances our brand and meets identified member needs.
- Further develop a conference and meeting strategy that delivers a consistent approach to continuous improvement in transferring quality science and technology, knowledge and education to benefit the members and the aquaculture industry at large
Enhance member satisfaction with WAS conferences and expand attendees at a wider diversity of events targeting the varied needs of the aquaculture community.
- Develop a comprehensive plan to address the succession of the executive director and event management roles within the society and develop and implement an employee performance evaluation process
Assess risk associated with eventual succession of key WAS staff and further develop HR policies.
- Exhibit leadership in the critical issues facing the aquaculture industry
Develop society functions to further support industry members including the development of Communities of Practice.
- Continuous improvement of WAS publications to align with membership demands
- Recognize outstanding professionals and students for their contributions to aquaculture using a consistent, coordinated process that distinguishes criteria for selection and expectations of the award that ensures diversity of awardees.
- Develop mechanisms to effectively engage students in WAS activities to increase student membership and increase transition rates of student members to full members
- Enhance linkages and alliances with aquaculture and related organizations
- Develop consistent and effective strategy for Chapters to support the Society and contribute to increased membership
- Ensure global representation in the Society’s governance
- Maintain a sustainable business model
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