JWAS Editor's Choice Awards 55(1)
The American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) has a high market value for human consumption and th...
Off-flavors often develop in Ictalurid catfish grown in ponds prior to harvest. Farmers consider off-flavored fish one of their main production problems, as they are undesirable to customers and unacceptable for processing, and harvest must be postponed while fish are purged. Tucker and Schrader (2020) review the causes, impacts and methods for prevention and treatment of off-flavors as well as providing a decision-making tool to aid management of off-flavors using the tools available.
Aquaponics is highly valued for its nutrient efficiency as plants uptake dissolved nitrogenous and other wastes. The welfare of fish in relation to the plant type and stocking density is poorly investigated. Baßmann et al (2020) follow the behaviour and physiological stress indicators and reveal that aquaponics with high-density basil resulted in positive behavioral and stress responses.
[Full Article]Ornamental harlequin shrimp, Hymenocera picta, require a diet of live sea stars, which are wild-collected. To make harlequin shrimp culture more sustainable, Pratoomyot et al. (2020) developed aquaculture methods for the sand star Astropecten indicus as an alternative live feed. Sand star spawning, larval rearing and settlement were successful, as was on-growing to maturity. Sand star were readily cultured under captive conditions, representing the first harvestable aquaculture of a sea star.
Nutritional programming responses can occur in offspring of broodstock fish fed diets with specific micronutrients. These can inform broodstock nutritional programmes to improve the performance of the next generation. Cleveland et al. (2020) supplemented rainbow trout broodstock diets with choline and methionine and found significant increases in final harvest weights among offspring of selected broodstock families fed supplemented diets. Choline and methionine are shown to be effective functional micronutrients for nutritional programing in rainbow trout.
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