December 14, 2023

R Syntax and Applications: Data Analysis, Visualization, and Dissemination

The U.S. Aquaculture Society (USAS) and the Fish Culture Section of the American Fisheries Society (AFSFCS) are offering a Continuing Education R Syntax and Applications Workshop at the upcoming Aquaculture America Meeting in San Antonio (meeting dates February 18 – 21, 2024):


Date: February 18, 2024
Time: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Cost: $300 - non-USAS/non-AFS-FCS members
$150 - USAS or AFS-FCS members
$75 - USAS or AFS-FCS student members.

Today’s scientists, students, and data analysts have many choices in software for data management, statistical testing, and data visualization. Some of the most popular software options, such as SAS, JMP, and STATA require the user (or company) to purchase licenses for use. However, more and more freely available statistical software options are becoming available. R and RStudio provide a powerful, modular platform for data analysis, visualization, and much more. The community-driven aspects of R/RStudio allow for the creation of new packages with ever-evolving applications ranging from simple hypothesis testing to text mining and analysis to interactive apps. Introducing students and scientists to the coding syntax and basic applications of
R/RStudio will provide more reproducible analyses, as well as improved collaboration and communication. Come and learn everything from basic commands and importing data, to creating visually-appealing plots and more!

Registration for the R Syntax and Applications Workshop can be completed on the World Aquaculture Society website at (within the meeting registration). Questions?: contact Adriane Michaelis (

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About World Aquaculture Society

The World Aquaculture Society was founded in 1969 as the World Mariculture Society. Since it’s beginning the membership in WAS has grown to more than 3,000 members in about 100 countries representing the global aquaculture community. In order to meet the expanding international nature of the Society and to address specific needs in various areas of the world, the WAS has created Chapters in the United States, Japan, Korea, Latin American and Caribbean region, Asian-Pacific region and most recently in Africa.