Other Books

The History of Aquaculture

The History of Aquaculture traces the development of fish farming from its ancient roots to the technologically advanced methods of today.

Published in cooperation with the UNITED STATES AQUACULTURE SOCIETY


The Laboratory Zebrafish

Like other books in the Laboratory Animal Pocket Reference Series, this guide covers all aspects pertaining to the use of these organisms including their basic biology, humane care and management, husbandry, life support systems, regulatory compliance, technical procedures, veterinary care, and water quality management.
By: Claudia Harper and Christian Lawrence
Softcover, Spiral Bound 254 pages


The Origins of the Organic Agriculture Debate

This book takes an historical look at two contrasting streams of ideas: the flow of ideas that have created the conditions for modern medicine, modern food production and the biotechnological revolution, and the "vitalist" reaction to the rise of modern science and the resulting rejection of modern agriculture.


The Physiology of Tropical Fish

The Physiology of Tropical Fishes is the 21st volume of the well-known Fish Physiology series and consists of 12 chapters. The purpose of the book is to consolidate and integrate what is known about tropical fishes (marine and freshwater species). Edited by: A. Val, V. M. Fonseca de Almeida e Val, D. Randall, 2005 - Hardback, 400 pages.


Tilapia Aquaculture

Proceedings from the 4th International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture held November 1997 in Orlando, Florida


Urban Aquaculture

This book on urban aquaculture includes papers from authors in the USA, Europe and Asia that review these emerging issues from the perspective of both developed and developing countries.
