Aquaculture Production Systems

Aquaculture is an increasingly diverse industry with an ever-growing number of species cultured and production systems available to professionals. A basic understanding of production systems is vital to the successful practice of aquaculture. Aquaculture Production Systems provides a valuable survey of key production systems that will allow the reader to better understand how aquaculture depends upon and interacts with its environment.

Edited by: James H. Tidwell; Hardcover, 421 pages; 2012

Aquaculture Production Systems provides a valuable survey of key production systems that will allow the reader to better understand how aquaculture depends upon and interacts with its environment.

Aquaculture Production Systems looks at a variety of systems currently used in the production of shellfish and finfish. These systems range from low input methods to super-intensive systems. The book covers: 1. open systems including shellfish aquaculture, cage culture and ranching, 2. semi-closed systems including raceways, and ponds, 3. closed recirculating and biofloc based systems and 4. Hybrid systems including partitioned aquaculture, aquaponics and in pond raceways. Aquaculture Production Systems will serve as an excellent text to those just being introduced to aquaculture as well as being a valuable reference to well-established professionals seeking information on production methods.



1-The Role of Aquaculture James H. Tidwell and Geoff Allan

2-History of Aquaculture Robert R. Stickney and Gravil D. Treece

3-Functions and Characteristics of All Aquaculture Systems James H. Tidwell

4-Characterization and Categories of Aquaculture Production Systems James H. Tidwell

5-Shellfish Aquaculture Robert Rheault

6-Cage Culture in Freshwater and Protected Marine Areas Michael P. Masser

7-Ocean Cage Culture Richard Langan

8-Reservoir Ranching Steven D. Mims and Richard J. Onders

9-Flow-through Raceways Gary Fornshell, Jeff Hinshaw, and James H. Tidwell

10-Ponds Craig Tucker and John Hargreaves

11-Recirculating Aquaculture Systems James M. Ebeling and Michael B. Timmons

12-Biofloc-based Aquaculture Systems Craig L. Browdy, Andrew J. Ray, John W. Leffler, and Yoram Avnimelech

13-Partitioned Aquaculture Systems D. E. Brune, Craig Tucker, Mike Massingill, and Jesse Chappell

14-Aquaponics —Integrating Fish and Plant Culture James E. Rakocy

15-In-pond Raceways Michael P. Masser

16-On the Drawing Board James H. Tidwell

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