ince the early 1980s,
there has been an exponential
growth in the quantity
of seafood produced by
aquaculture and, in the near
future, this production will
account for half the world’s
global harvest of fish. With ever-
growing demand, fish farms are
trying to expand. Countering
this expansion is growing
concern, globally, on the
potential environmental impact
of larger aquaculture farms.
As a result, many governments
are becoming reticent to grant
new concessions to aquaculture
developments in coastal waters.
Consequently commercial
producers of marine finfish
have been seeking alternative
locations to coastal bays,
fjords or other areas to locate
larger net-pen farms. Moving
further offshore appears to be
the logical alternative, making
farms invisible from the coast,
reducing their ecological and
environmental impact on
coastal marine life and also enabling the installation of wider and
deeper pens.
Inevitably this expansion raises a number of new requirements:
increased operating costs, on-site maintenance personnel, energy use
and net-pen design. Existing pens may be unsuitable for the harsher
conditions found in the open ocean, where mooring lines must resist
large fluctuating forces and high induced drag generated by waves
and currents. Exploiting wave action to provide autonomous wave-
powered energy system for aquaculture farms is being explored
currently (Meggitt 2014). Failure of mooring lines caused by over-
loading often leads to net loss, resulting in ‘ghost nets’ that can pose
a threat to marine life and a navigation hazard. Furthermore, an
increase in climatic variability seems likely to lead to an increase in
ocean wave states.
Considering future changes in environmental conditions,
the compounding problems of increasing pen size and the lack of
natural shelter in the open ocean, new farms must increase their
capabilities to withstand degradation and major mechanical fatigue.
The interaction of the net with water flow from waves and currents
govern the resulting forces. This is an area where efforts can be
The Impact of Net Density
on Oceanic Aquaculture Pens
Benjamin Levy, Heide Friedrich, John Cater, Richard Clarke and James P. Denier
made toward optimizing the
net structure (mesh/twine
composition or ‘weave’) and
the relative location of a pen
within a concession.
In addition to the
mechanical action of water
flow, there is the associated
problem of bio-fouling,
which can serve to reduce net
porosity by over 50 percent,
with direct consequences for
fish health through a reduction
in the rate of oxygen supply.
Another major impact of
biofouling is the resulting
drastic increase of drag forces
on the structure, increasing
tension in mooring lines or
towing cables.
These combined factors
have motivated a deeper study
of aquaculture net drag and
how it may be minimized.
The considerations presented
here must be taken together
with certain practical issues
such as the constraint of the
mesh void size in relation to
fish size and the need of the twine thickness of the mesh to support
mechanical stress.
Technical Aspects
Within the Faculty of Engineering at the University of
Auckland, we are undertaking a study of the impact of net density
on flow dynamics and drag, where variations in the mesh void (i.e.
the space between two consecutive twines) and twine thickness are
being investigated. To better quantify the effects of design changes,
a small-scale experimental investigation was conducted within our
Fluid Mechanics Laboratory, where changes can be evaluated under
well-defined and controlled flow conditions.
Experimental data were acquired using a recirculating flume
with a measured turbulence intensity of less than 3 percent. The
flume cross-sectional area is 0.4 m by 0.4 m, with a length of 4
m and an operational flow rate between 2 and 50 cm/s. Under
these controlled conditions, it has been possible to obtain detailed
measurements of the flow dynamics for a range of models with
varying mesh and twine dimensions.
Rather than studying a section of a net, we manufactured
Three net-pen models with varying mesh and twine dimensions.
Flow regimes obtained from two models with the same mesh void size but
differing twine thickness. The increase in twine thickness reduces the bleed flow velocity
which results in greater velocity gradients that evolve into an unstable wake (lower image).