ndia has witnessed the growth of aquaculture from backyard
farming to commercial fish culture, where Indian major carps
contribute the majority of aquaculture production. Recently,
striped catfish
Pangasinodon hypophthalmus
culture has become
more popular in a few states of India. There are a large number
of hatcheries that supply seed to farmers, inasmuch as seed is a
primary requisite for successful aquaculture of any species. The
minor carps, medium carps, catfishes and murrels are in great
demand for Indian aquaculture.
Indigenous catfish are widely accepted among consumers in
India because of the taste. Consumers prefer medium-size catfishes
for making fish curry. Yellow catfish is sold for US$ 1.50-2.50/kg
Hatchery Production
of the Yellow Catfish
Horabagrus brachysoma
in India
S.K. Sahoo, S. Ferosekhan, M. Paramanik, S.K. Swain
in the domestic fish market and at US$ 0.25/piece as an ornamental
fish. The yellow catfish
Horabagrus brachysoma
has a high value
as an ornamental fish because of black blotches on both sides of the
body behind the opercula and a golden-yellow body color (Fig. 1).
The importance of yellow catfish as a food and ornamental
species has attracted research attention. Production of yellow
catfish is small but a hatchery operation has been established after
overcoming various technical problems involved in hatchery and
commercial grow-out production. This article documents the
various techniques and practices involved in the captive production
of yellow catfish. It is intended to provide guidance for hatchery
managers producing yellow catfish seed.
Yellow catfish
Horabagrus brachysoma