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polysaccharides. Physiological Review 81:1031-1064.
In the productive chain of Brazilian aquaculture, the feed
industry may be the link more capable of rapid growth. The
feed mills can increase production quickly enough to meet
the growing demand for feed and, because they are scattered
throughout the country, they can produce competitive feeds
with regional ingredients, despite being based on corn, soy-
beans and their byproducts.
The main difficulties of the feed industry are the growing
gap between prices of agricultural commodities and byprod-
ucts used as ingredients and farm gate seafood price that
don’t increase at the rate needed by the producers. Producers
of fish feed are experiencing tight profit margins and as are
farmers. Nevertheless, there is optimism, and many compa-
nies are setting up new factories in regions where production
is growing and where there is a supply of regional ingredients
that can make the feed cheaper and decrease freight costs.
According to Firetti and Sales (2007), the price of feed
has increased over the years in Brazil, from US$0.45∕ kg in
1996 to $0.52∕ kg in 2006, an increase of 15.81 percent. In
1999, the price of feed was higher, when a kilogram of feed
US$ 0.74. Sales
et al.
(2005) commented that since 2002,
national fish farming went through a restructuring process,
reflecting the worsening of the crisis and economic problems
in the supply of raw materials used for feeds and transporta-
tion of the product. Information obtained at that time frim
fish farmers from São Paulo, indicated that the crisis began
in 1999 when demand decreased, causing excess of fish on
the farms, and the production costs increased with rising
prices of the inputs (Scorvo
et al
. 2010).
Brazil has many opportunities, but also great challenges.
We need to make aquaculture profitable, employing many
people; but it needs to be sustainable and preserve the en-
vironment. With regard to nutrition, we need to develop re-
search to determine the real nutritional requirements of var-
ious species already farmed and the potential to be grown in
many different environments and systems.
Aquafeed Product Manager, Guabi Animal Nutrition Member of
the National Organizing Committee of World Aquaculture 2011.
Tacon, A.J.G.
(personal communication) University of Las Pal-
mas, Gran Canaria, The Canary Islands, Spain
Alves, J.M.C. 2009. Shrimp Aquaculture in Brazil: Current Status
and Future. WA2009 September. 2009. Veracruz, México.
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Firretti, R., D.S Sales and S.M. Garcia. 2007. Lucro com tilápia é
para profissionais. Anualpec 2007. Pages 285-286
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Hardy, R.W. and A.G.J. Tacon. 2002. Fish meal: Historical uses,
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Stickney and J.P. McVey, editors. Responsible Marine Aquacul-
ture. CABI, Wallingford, Oxford, UK.
Pezzato, L.E. and M.M. Barros. 2005. Nutrição de Peixes no Bra-
sil. Simpósio Internacional de Nutrição e Saúde de Peixes - Ou-
tubro 2005 – Botucatu, Brazil.
Sales, D.S., A. Caseiro and R. O. Firretti. 2005. Desenvolvimento
recente da aquicultura brasileira. Anualpec 2005. Anuário da
Pecuária Brasileira. São Paulo: FNP, 2005:252-257.
Scorvo-Filho, J.D, C.M. Frascá-Scorvo, J.M.C. Alves and F.R.A.
Souza. 2010. A tilapicultura e seus insumos, relações econômi-
cas. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 39:112-118.
Tacon, A.J.G. and M. Metian. 2008. Global overview on the use
of fishmeal and fish oil in industrially compounded aquafeeds:
Trends and future prospects. Aquaculture 285:146-158.
Tacon A.J.G., E.W.Cahyono, U.Sugema, C.Zaudjat and S.Nates.
2010. Replacement of fishmeal and marine proteins in practical
diets for Pacific white shrimp using terrestrial land animal proteins.
AQUA Culture Asia Pacific Magazine May/June 2010:12-17.
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