Aquaculture, India for her poster on ‘Factors affecting IN
VITRO differentiation of Indian major carp embryonic
stem cells.’ Her devotion to her research and content
knowledge quickly stood out when the judges interviewed
her. For Miss S. Tripathy’s effort she received a two-year
WAS membership.
WAS organized an Affiliates Meeting at Kochi to try
and start getting more communication and collaboration
happening across the various groups. Seven affiliates were
in attendance and WAS President, Dr. Jay Parsons, was
on hand to see the interaction first hand. It was good to
hear from all those represented and hopefully this will be
something that continues at Conferences in the future as
networking across the affiliations that have been achieved
will assist aquaculture int the future.
WAS-APC had a Board meeting at the beginning of
the Conference and made some decisions that are ex-
pected to assist the growth of the Chapter into the fu-
ture. The Conference also saw the current President, Roy
Palmer, hand over to the President-Elect, Lukas Mano-
maitis. The Board agreed on roles and responsibilities
for themselves and agreed on the boundaries of the
APC. In addition an innovative approach is being taken
to assist the strengthening of the Chapter. A separate
report will be prepared regarding this as it is worthy of
a stand-alone article.
The WAS-APC Board acknowledges the great work of
the Cooksey family (John, Mary and Matya) and Mario
Stael for managing the Conference and Trade Show in
their usual smooth and efficient manner. The Program
was ably put together by Professor Jose Fernandez-Po-
lanco, Dr Narayan Kutty, Michael New and Dilip Ku-
mar. While the Steering Committee played a strong role
the work on the ground by the Indian Organising Com-
mittee had to be seen to be believed. The constants were
Vice Chancellor, Dr.K.R. Viswambharan; Dean, Dr. C.
Mohanakumaran Nair and Dr.Krishna R. Salin, the ‘go
to’ man. Excellent collaboration over the whole period
of the planning and the actual event and, of course,
without the sponsors, it would not have come together
as well. Congratulations to everyone involved.
Taking aquaculture forward in India and elsewhere is es-
sential for world food production so events of this type are
an essential element of driving change. Aquaculture faces
many challenges but with the water being over 70% of the
world’s surface we must learn to maximize our food pro-
duction in an environmentally sustainable fashion utilizing
those massive water resources rather than rely on land for
our food as we have in the past.
— Roy Palmer
Past President WAS-APC
Photos – See:
h t t p : / / w w w. f l i c k r . c o m / p h o t o s / r o y s h a r e s /
(Continued from page 4)
Advertisers’ Index
AQUACULTURE AMERICA 2012.................... 50
Aquaculture Association of Canada. ................... 47
Aquaculture Systems Technology......................... 17
Aquaculture Without Frontiers............................ 32
Aquafauna Biomarine............................................5
Aquatic Eco-Systems, Inc........... Inside Front Cover
AREA................................................... Back Cover
Cargill Empyreal 75.............................................. 37
Asian Fisheries Society......................................... 42
Extru-Tech, Inc.. .................................................. 43
Firestone Specialty Products................................ 38
Kordon........................................ Inside Back Cover
Northern Aquaculture.......................................... 34
University of Nordland........................................ 25
USAS Sponsored Publications............................. 69
WAS Future Meetings.......................................... 60
WAS Online Store. ............................................... 56
WORLD AQUACULTURE 2011........................ 18
1...,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72 74,75,76