Sponsored Publications — Request for Proposals
The USAS is seeking proposals for publications, including books, conference proceedings, fact sheets, pictorials,
hatchery or production manuals, data compilations, and other materials that are important to U.S. aquaculture
development and that will be of benefit to USAS members. Individuals wishing to have a project considered for
funding by the USAS should prepare a proposal using the following guidelines:
1) Basics
Proposal should be double spaced, one sided, numbered, unstapled and on 8 ½ x 11 white paper. Suggested
length is 5 pages or less, not including supporting materials. Include a cover letter. Include a self-addressed,
stamped envelope for a response letter.
2) Structure
Title Page: Include a cover or title page with name, address, telephone number and email address. Also include
the proposed number of pages of the final manuscript.
Overview: Clearly and concisely describe your project in one or two paragraphs.
• What are the problems, the reasons, or the situations that relate to the aquaculture industry in the U.S. that
prompted you to write this publication?
• How does your publication address these problems, reasons, situations?
• What make your publication unique?
• What are the new approaches and special features of your publication?
• How are you uniquely qualified to write this publication?
Author’s Biography: State your qualifications as it relates to your ability to write and promote this project. For
example, include prior publications that relate to the project, awards, education and previous publications. Why
are you the person to write this publication and how are you qualified in the subject?
Marketing Section: What sector of the US aquaculture community would this publication target? Why would
somebody buy this publication? Who is the audience for this publication and how is the audience reached?
• List any affiliations or contacts you have that would assist in promoting, reviewing or selling this publica-
Competition: List published titles that address a similar area of interest as your project, by author, title and
date of publication. What does your project do that is distinct and necessary in today’s market? How is your
publication different and better?
Promotion: Describe your project promotion plan.
Leveraging: Can you commit additional funds to leverage this publication? If so, how much?
Sample Materials: Provide descriptive section titles and a short summary or each. For books, include a chapter
outline and the introductory chapter.
Publishing Details: Include any information on illustrations, photographs, or special formats that will be re-
quired. Include an estimate of time that will be needed to deliver a completed manuscript.
Supporting Materials: Please include any media attention you have received, feature articles, columns or other
promotional materials about you that relate to the publication’s topic.
3) Scoring: Basics: (5 points); Title page: (5 pts); Author’s biography: (10 pts); Publishing details: (5 points); Over-
view: (15 pts); Leveraging: (10 pts); Competition: (10 pts); Sample materials: (15 pts); Supporting materials: (5
pts); Promotion and marketing: (20 pts)
4) Conditions for Publication: The USAS Board of Directors will rate proposals and select projects for publica-
tion. The successful applicant will serve as co-author; however, depending on contribution to the publication,
the applicant may not necessarily serve as chief or sole author. The USAS will cover general publication and
distribution costs for one or more projects up to $5,000 each year. However, special consideration will be given
to worthwhile projects that exceed this limit. No compensation will be provided to the authors for their time
spent in writing the publication. The publication will be property of the USAS and will be sold through the
WAS bookstore.
5) Submit: Submit proposal to USAS Publications Committee c/o Dr. Wade O. Watanabe, University of North
Carolina Wilmington, Center for Marine Science, 601 S. College Rd., Wilmington, NC 28403-5927. Tel: 910-
962-2941; Email:
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