Section 1. All activities and recommendations of the Standing and Ad Hoc Committees are subject to approval of the Board of Directors. All appointments to committees shall be for a period of two years; however, members may be re-appointed to serve on the same or different committees. Committee members must remain in good standing and adhere to all Chapter policies and procedures. Except as noted below, the President shall appoint Society members in good standing to the following committees: (Amended by Board action Dec 2014 and ratified by membership October 2015)
Election Committee: This committee shall consist of the Immediate Past President as chairperson, the current President and the President-Elect, one or two other Board-approved members of the CHAPTER and may include one or two other members, appointed at the discretion of the President. The Election Committee shall be responsible for all matters pertaining to the conduct of the annual election, including assembling a slate of nominees for the approval of the Board, compiling and organizing the election within time frames, and tabulating the votes cast by the membership. (Amended by Board action May 2015 and ratified by membership October 2015)
Finance and Long Range Planning Committee: This committee shall consist of a chair, the Secretary, the Treasurer and two or more members of the CHAPTER, who are appointed by the Board of Directors. The committee shall properly oversee that a financial statement is prepared for the Board of Directors. It shall also be responsible for evaluating the financial aspects of proposed conferences, projects and activities of the CHAPTER. (Amended by Board action May 2015 and ratified by membership October 2015)
Conference Committee: This committee shall consist of a chair and two or more members of the CHAPTER, who are appointed by the Board of Directors. The committee shall evaluate potential dates and locations for the next unscheduled meeting of the CHAPTER and make recommendations to the Board of Directors. Upon selection of the site, the Committee shall make all necessary arrangements for the conference including the solicitation for and compilation of the technical program. The Committee will work closely with the WAS Executive Director in the conference development, the printing of the conference program/abstract package and any other publications coming from the annual conference. (Amended by Board action Dec 2014 and ratified by membership October 2015)
Rules and Regulations Committee: This committee shall consist of a chair, the Secretary, the Treasure and two or more members of the CHAPTER, who are appointed by the Board of Directors. It shall be the duty of this committee to study the Bylaws, Rules and Regulations of the CHAPTER and make recommendations for revisions. (Amended by Board action Dec 2014 and ratified by membership October 2015)
Honors and Awards Committee: This committee shall consist of the President-Elect as chairperson and two or more additional members of the CHAPTER appointed by the President-Elect. This committee shall establish criteria for awards, review award nominees, provide judging for competitive awards and make award recommendations to the Board. (Amended by Board action May 2015 and ratified by membership October 2015)
Publication Committee: This committee shall consist of a chair, the Past-President and two or more members of the CHAPTER, who are appointed by the Board of Directors. The committee shall be responsible for the content, production, fiscal management, the appointment of editors, the enforcement of publication policy, and the preparation of an annual publication budget.
Student Activities Committee: This committee shall consist of a chair and two or more members of the CHAPTER, at least one being a student member, who is appointed by the Board of Directors. The committee shall encourage the active participation of students in the affairs of the CHAPTER and World Aquaculture Society and pursue appropriate activities.
Promotion and Membership Committee. The Promotion and Membership Committee shall consist of a chair or co-chair, two or more members of the CHAPTER, who are appointed by the Board of Directors, and one student member appointed by the President. The Committee shall interact with the Student Activities to solicit ideas and coordinate promotion and membership activities. The Committee shall develop recommendations to the Board of Directors associated with expanding global awareness of the World Aquaculture Society, improving member services, and retaining and increasing membership. (Board action May 2015 and ratified by membership October 2015)
Past Presidents Committee. The Past Presidents Committee will be chaired by the Immediate Past President. Other members will consist of the past presidents of the CHAPTER who are not serving on the Chapter's Board of Directors. This committee shall confine its deliberations to broad policy issues and special issues as requested by the Board, and shall avoid direct involvement in routine affairs of the Chapter. The committee shall not meet with the Board of Directors, but shall report its findings to the Board through its chairman in the form of a committee report. (Board action Dec 2014 and ratified by membership October 2015)