Asian-Pacific Aquaculture 2024

July 2 - 5, 2024

Surabaya, Indonesia

Add To Calendar 05/07/2024 14:40:0005/07/2024 15:00:00Asia/JakartaAsian-Pacific Aquaculture 2024MULTI LOCATION TEST OF TISSUE CULTURE SEAWEED CULTIVATION TO IMPROVE NURSERY GARDENS IN COASTAL LAMPUNGDiamond 4The World Aquaculture Societyjohnc@was.orgfalseDD/MM/YYYYanrl65yqlzh3g1q0dme13067


Maya Meiyana1,*,  Arief Rahman Rivaie1 Silfester Basi Dhoe1,  Suryadi Saputra1, Suciantoro1

  1. Researcher on National Research and Innovation Agency , Jl. Raya Bogor KM 47, Cibinong Bogor, West Java, Indonesia

* * Corresponding


 Eucheuma cotonii cultivation has been widely carried out but is still limited to the use of vegetative seeds, the use of Eucheuma from tissue culture is still considered lacking, because the number of tissue culture seed stocks at the cultivation site or  seaweed seed garden owned by the community is insufficient and the low quality of seaweed from tissue culture. The different characteristics of seaweed cultivation locations are expected to be able to overcome the needs of fulfilling the seedling garden. This research was conducted to improve the fulfillment of the needs of Eucheuma cotonii seaweed seed gardens from tissue culture for the needs of Lampung coastal communities. Research on seaweed cultivation from tissue culture was conducted in three different locations on the coast of Lampung for 30 days using the RAL method with 3 repetitions. The cultivation method used is the Long Line method with 20 points as many as four lines with an initial weight of 50 grams of seedlings per planting point.  T he  study results show that the growth of seaweed Eucheuma cotonii characterized by weight gain, absolute growth and specific growth rate was significantly different (P<0.05), at each treatment site.  The results obtained by the Ruguk location are the best location with a total harvest of 114.96 kg and growth rate is 5.35± 0.30% and followed by Hurun location is 66.24 kg with an average daily growth rate of 6.32±0.15%.  the lowest location of Pahawang with a production yield of 54 kg  and  an average daily growth rate of 5.35±0.30%.