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Nelson Peña Navarro


Nelson Peña Navarro

Email: npena@utn.ac.cr


Nelson Peña Navarro is a researcher and professor at the Universidad Técnica Nacional de Costa Rica (UTN), an institution which since its founding has been dedicated to developing various research and aquaculture projects that have been models of economic development for vulnerable social groups. In 2013 he was selected as the first place in Latin American in the contest of Alltech Young Scientist with the project "Natural products as stimulators of the immune system Litopenaeus vannamei challenged with Vibrio parahaemolyticus" and select in global competition with the greatest exponents of the major regions of the world. That same year, the College of Agricultural Engineers of Costa Rica awarded him the distinction of Young Professional of the Year. Nelson Peña is Agronomist Zootecnist of the Universidad de Costa Rica, has a teaching degree of technical specialization in Animal Production from the Universidad Técnica Nacional, a specialty in Virtual Environments Learning form the Center for High Studies of the OEI and Virtual Educa. He is also currently enrolled in master's Tropical Diseases School of Veterinary Medicine, at the Universidad Técnica Nacional of Costa Rica. He is currently coordinator of the new Engineering in Aquaculture of the UTN which is expected to open in 2017. He is co-author of a book that is in the process of editing on shrimp pathologies, has authored and co-authored of about ten scientific articles in scientific journals with arbitration and some articles and presentations in science magazines, workshops and national congresses. Peña will provide the effort and dedication that has characterized so that the Latin American chapter of the WAS will maximize its potential, mainly in organizing activities such as conferences, workshops and symposia, where the Central American region will be the central point of action.