Gianluigi Negroni



The undersigned has a long experience on the aquauclture value chain from inputs production, farming production of differents species and processing and marketing of aquaculture products. He worked for public and private entities and can provide high level collaboration also in the aquaculture circular economy.


  • Aquaculture value chain specialist
  • Practical aquaculture activivites
  • Work with co products for specific diet

Work Experience

April 1989 / October 2024

General Manager overseas operations
Alveo scarl
EU, Africa, Asia, Central/South America, Carribbean
Tendering and practical aquaculture value chain projects for public and private entities for more thna 100 missions in 80 countries

December 2012 / March 2024

Tem leader
Alveo scarl
Kampala Uganda
Manage the PESCA proeject for a value of 10 million Euro, 7 large contracts executed


September 1979 / September 1984

Alma Mater Studiorum, Universota di Bologna - Master degree in Animal Science
Master thesis on Appropriate technologies with Canada Stage

September 1984 / September 1985

SINNEA school, master in international economy and finance - Master
Thesis on fish farming


More than 100 publication on the national and international magazines and reviews


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