This provides a final update to the NOAA-funded work entitled Expanding Maine’s Blue Economy. The work explored how Maine’s aquaculture marketing needs, supply chain logistics, and consumer preferences could be better understood to increase both in-state seafood production and sales across the U.S. It combines efforts and data across multiple institutions (Maine Aquaculture Association, Gulf of Maine Research Institute, University of Maine School of Economics, and Maine Sea Grant) and using multiple modes of research – surveys, interviews, distribution mapping, and more.
A preliminary update was given at the 2024 Aquaculture America meeting. This presentation provides a final report, including completed supply chain interviews and analysis along with a completed consumer survey analysis, added to the already existing work. It will also detail the science communication and outreach methods employed to share the work widely and effectively within Maine’s seafood community. It will also include lessons learned from the project, to be shared for others interested in similar assessments for their own state.