AQUA 2024

August 26 - 30, 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark


Authors: Nuno Leite* , Ana Costa, Diogo Alves, Patrícia Canhão ,  Ana Cabado, Mafalda Rangel, Cristina Pita, Rita Sá, Sebastien Gaïde, Jean-Claude Rousseaux, Juanita Zorrilla, Ioanna Argyrou, Carlos Espinal, Laura Reyes , Elisabeth Vallet , Ana Hristova , Carlos Mazorra, João Rito.

SEAentia – Porto de Pesca de Peniche, 2520-630 Peniche, PORTUGAL


Current seafood traceability tools and services have the potential to take advantage of novel blockchain technologies to  obtain a wide range of data  and display  sustainable seafood practices to consumers.  The  Sea2See project aims to fill in  existing seafood traceability gaps through  the development of an innovative end-to-end blockchain model and applications, to increase trust and social acceptance of sustainably fished and farmed seafood.

The project  is focused on two main areas of intervention: 1-  active commitment of stakeholders and consumer empowerment through the implementation of societal and sectoral strategies for co-creation, communication and awareness raising; 2-  provide technological solutions to answer the need of a valuable data  source collected throughout the whole  seafood value chain and test these solutions in real-life environments.

 One of the pilot case studies is SEAentia’s RAS meagre farm in Peniche (Portugal), where sensor and production data are uploaded to a farm management software (Smartwater Cloud), and sub sequently logged into a traceability platform through blockchain technology.

This network infrastructure allows any authenticated supply chain actors to input data and have complete auditability of the process from hatch until the fish reaches the consumer’s plate ,  thus promoting trust and transparency throughout the whole value chain.

 Note: This demo for  the aquaculture use case is still under development. We foresee to  have the app ready for showcasing by the time of the AQUA 2024 congress.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme, under the Grant Agreement no. 101060564 (Sea2See).