AQUA 2024

August 26 - 30, 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark


Patrik Tang* , Neda Gilannejad ,  Kristine O.  Rostad,  Marius Nilsen,  Simon Menanteau-Ledouble, Marie Bø-Randulff,  Dagne Røise , Valentina Tronci , Marnix Gorissen , Lars Ebbesson, Naouel Gharbi

NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS, Climate & Environment Department, Fish Biology and Aquaculture (FBA) group, Bergen, Norway.



The expansion of the aquaculture sector requires diversification of feed ingredients. For example, using i nsects that have the advantage of a high protein content and  suitable amino acid composition and can be farmed using side-stream from agro-industrial activities. T he  large species diversity of insects e ach with their own unique nutrient profile,  provides a plural of candidates that may allow to use a combination of species to better  match the nutrient profile for the requirements of  farmed the fish (“mix” of species) . H owever, studies  into the use  of insect mixes remain rare . W hile some studies have confirmed that  replacement  with single insect species  could fulfill the  fish nutritional requirements for growth,  and  digestibility, less attention has been paid to other important physiological parameters, including parameters critical for fish health and welfare. For example, during challenging periods such as the freshwater (FW)–seawater (SW) transition and associated smoltification process in salmon, which  often results in elevated mortality on farms. I n this study , we evaluated how Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)  stress responses and osmoregulatory capacities functions were affected  by the when substituting soy protein concentrate (SPC) with different inclusions of  novel mix of insect meals (IM) and oil (IO) [black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) and yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) ]. This feed trial  included 10 weeks  in FW  and transfer of the smolts to SW for 6 weeks. A t the end of  both FW and SW phases,  fish were subjected to acute stress  to monitor their ability to mount a normal stress response. Plasma levels of cortisol, ions, and  selected  metabolites were  quantified as well as the e xpression of  stress-associated genes, branchial osmoregulation, and  brain  neural plasticity.

Our results showed that inclusion of insect mix did not affect growth of the fish but resulted a dose-dependent effect on stress and osmoregulatory functions (Fig. 1), especially in SW , suggesting li fecycle specific differences. This study is the first in Atlantic salmon where the effect of a mixture of insects on  welfare indicators is addressed in both FW and SW.

Acknowledgments: Fund ed by EEA InFishMix-PT-INNOVATION-0094 . Analysis performed in FBA-NORCE high throughput state of the art lab (SacLab). Fish  trial performed in LetSea experimental and research center.