AQUA 2024

August 26 - 30, 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark


Neda Gilannejad 1,*, Pablo Sánchez-Cueto 2, Marius Nilsen 1, Patrik Tang 1 , Miriam Emilie Donovan 3 ,  Harald Sveier 3, Naouel Gharbi 1 , Lars Ebbesson 1 , Simon Menanteau-Ledouble 1

1 NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS, Climate & Environment Department, Fish Biology and Aquaculture (FBA) group, Bergen, Norway.

2 Leitat Technological Center, C/ de La Innovació 2, 08225 Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain

3 Lerøy Seafood Group ASA, Bergen, Norway


 Microorganisms are key  members of the  ecosystems: they provide essential nutrients to entire food webs, recycle waste products, and form protective layers on and in larger organisms that assist their host in a multitude of physiological functions .  Gut microbiome plays a critical role in different aspects of fish biology ;  through  direct involvement in the digest ive  process  by providing the nutrients and minerals  needed for the fish,  or its active role in immune response and barrier function with major consequences  for the fish health and welfare. However, studies on marine food-associated microbiomes are far behind current state-of-the-art research in terrestrial agriculture and humans. According to the Norwegian Veterinary Institute, infectious diseases in sea cages account for one of the most important causes of economic loss in th e  salmon farming industry. Notably, f armed salmon are known to be less resilient compared to the wild salmon and,  in particular , smolts experience extreme stress and challenges when they are transferred  from recirculating aquaculture facilities on land to sea cages  where the conditions are much less controlled  and where they are exposed to an array of pathogens. Consequently, m ortality following sea transfer is one of the major culprits for economic loss and impaired animal welfare in the salmon farming industry. The  fish microbiota is also known to changes as  the fish moves to this new marine environment. Investigating  the  differences between the  gut microbiome of  wild versus farmed smolts will  improve our understanding of  an important yet understudied aspect of the adaptation of salmon smolts to marine conditions and shed light  on  this  critical transitional stage. Therefore, as part of the project BlueRemediomics, we sampled the  posterior intestine and feces  of salmon one week after sea-transfer  from land-based  flowthrough  aquaculture system as well as smolts of comparable size in the wild. Total genomic DNA was extracted and destined for sequencing by both a metagenomics and metataxonomic approach. For metataxonomic, DNA amplicon libraries were generated targeting the V3-V4 regions (341F/R805) of the 16S rRNA gene and the sequencing was performed on the Illumina platform. For metagenomic, samples with good quality for library preparation were sequenced also with the Illumina platform, obtaining around of 10M reads per library. Analysis of the sequences was performed following standards pipelines for metataxonomic and metagenomic analysis. Briefly, clean sequences chimeric detection and deletion, followed by Amplicon Sequence Variant (ASV) assignment were completed using DADA2 plugin. Taxonomy was assigned at a 99% similarity level using the q2- feature-classifier plugin with the SILVA 138 database.  Composition of the  gut  microbiota between  the  fish recently transferred to seawater after land-based flowthrough aquaculture system and the wild  smolts,  shed light on the  differential role of  rearing  environments on gut microbiota , pav ing  the way  to improve the performance and welfare of farmed salmon.

Acknowledgments:  Funding: BlueRemediomics -Grant No.101082304, EU Horizon Europe Programme.  Farmed fish  were  sampled from Lerøy´s  land  and sea facilities in Norway.