AQUA 2024

August 26 - 30, 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark


Papadaki, M.*, Fakriadis, Y., Sigelaki, E., Lancerotto, S., and Mylonas, C.C.


Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture, Hellenic Centre for Marine Re-search, P.O. Box 2214, Iraklion, Crete 71003, Greece.



Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS)  offer significant biosecurity and water parameter control for broodstock management, but also allow  for the accumulation of  metabolites released through the fish gills, urine, and feces in the tank water, due to low water renewal . In spawning tanks, a ccumulating  cortisol and  sex steroids during the reproductive season can lead to  endocrine, behavioral or welfare disorders of fish.  In  the present study,  the spawning kinetics and reproductive performance of gilthead seabream Sparus aurata ,  kept in a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) with natural cycling temperature vs. a flow-through system with constant temperature are compared. At the same time, the  concentrations of  cortisol and sex steroids ,  in both  fish  plasma and  tank water ,  in the two systems are also compared.

T wo du plicated  gilthead seabream broodstocks were formed: one was  exposed to a flow-thr ough system with  constant well  water  temperatures (18-20°C, Flow-through ), and the other one was under  a RAS system with  cycling thermal regimes (15-23°C, RAS group) , both under simulated natural photoperiod. T heir spawning kinetics (relative fecundity and fertilization percentage), egg quality  parameters (embryo survival, hatching and 5-day larval survival)  and plasma and water cortisol and sex steroid levels  were followed.

The reproductive season of both groups began in December, when mean daily relative fecundity of both groups exhibited its lowest values, compared to the following months . Mean daily relative fecundity ranged between 7,500 and 46,000 eggs Kg-1 female body weight (Figure 1A) and was similar between groups. Mean fertilization per centage was  also  similar between groups ranging between 80 and 94% (Figure 1B).  Plasma and water  cortisol and s ex steroid  levels were analyzed .

 The  full results of the study will determine whether stress  and  reproductive hormones accumulate in the RAS systems, and examine their effect on reproductive function and egg production and quality.