AQUA 2024

August 26 - 30, 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark


Evanthia Chatzoglou* , Christina Zantioti , Aristeidis Tsopelakos , Maria Athanasopoulou, Dionysios T. Pavlopoulos, Sofia  D.  Koulocheri  and Helen Miliou


Agricultural University of Athens

Department of Animal Science , Laboratory of Applied Hydrobiology

Iera Odos 75, Votanikos 118 55, Athens, Greece


Vitellogenin (VTG ) is a precursor of egg yolk proteins and like  in  all oviparous species, it is present also in fish. It is synthesized in the liver and is transported to the ovary via the bloodstream. VTG suggests the maturity level of female individuals but its gene is also present in male fish. Exogenous factors such as isoflavones (ISFs) present in the plant-derived raw materials used for aquafeeds, can exert estrogenic effects on vitellogenesis.  The aim of the present study was to estimate the effects of dietary isoflavones  on the vitellogenin levels of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) , one of the most commercially important species in the Mediterranean aquaculture. This work was part of “Estrofish” project, that was co-financed by Greece and EU, under the “Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation - EPAnEK 2014-2020” (MIS: 5052097, Code: T6YBP-00536).

 Two isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets, A and B, with  similar fatty acid profile but  different ISF content, were used for sea bream rearing.  The ISF content of feeds was rich in isoflavones such as genistein (diet A: 9.45 μg/g, diet B: 2.47 μg/g) and daidzein (diet A: 3.41 μg/g, diet B: 2.25 μg/g). Two fish groups, L (initial size 101.4±0.8 g) and S (initial size: 55.58±0,55g) were fed  on both diets ( 4 treatments: LA, LB, SA, SB)  at satiation in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (3 tanks per treatment). After 12 weeks, blood samples were collected . For the  determination of plasma VTG a semi-quantitative ELISA method  and the  polyclonal anti-Rabbit Sole VTG  were  used.  Blood parameters  were  measured by colorimetric assays. T he  fatty acid profile of fish (liver and fillet ) and diets were estimated by gas chromatography (GC-FID).

 OD values of VTG, were significantly higher (P <0.05) in LA than in LB treatment . No significant differences were observed in the VTG  levels between  S treatments. B oth  fish  groups  showed significantly higher  n-3 LC PUFA  levels (% of total fatty acids) in liver, while the opposite in fillet, when fed on diet A compared to B.   On the contrary, saturated fatty acids  of fillet  were significantly higher in fish fed on diet A compared to B, either in group S (mainly 16:0) or group L (mainly very long- chain saturates). In addition, the levels of 18:1n-9 were lower in LA than in LB treatment, especially in the liver .  Moreover,  in  group L the levels of  liver lipid content and hepatosomatic index, as well as plasma LDH, GPT, TG, LDL and total cholesterol were lower in  LA  compared to LB treatment .

M easurement of vitellogenin levels is an important biomarker of estrogenic activity in farmed fish. In this study, it has been shown that ISFs , have the potential to induce hepatic VTG production combined with  antilipogenic effect on the liver of sea bream. T he increased content of diet A in isoflavones and especially  in  genistein  seems  to have estrogenic effect only on larger individuals,  whereas smaller individuals remain unaffected. This could be attributed to the degree of sexual maturation of larger individuals, the higher consumption of ISFs via feed  or  the activation of biochemical pathways related to lipid metabolism. To elucidate this hypothesis further study on mRNA levels is needed.