AQUA 2024

August 26 - 30, 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark


Ashwath Gaudhaman*, Sajjad Karimi, Kartik Baruah, Torbjörn Lundh,  Margareth Øverland,  Mohammad Taherzadeh, Byron Morales- Lange ,  Markus Langeland, Aleksandar Vidakovic

 *  -  Department of Applied Animal Sciences and Welfare

 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Uppsala, Sweden – 750 07


Background: The growing aquaculture industry has an increasing demand for novel protein sources for aqua-feed that are  produced  in a sustainable way.

Aim:  To determine t he apparent digestibiltiy coefficients (ADCs)  of four novel fungal feed ingredients in Rainbow trout, namely;  Paecilomyces variotii  (PEK),  Aspergillus oryzae  (AO),  Rhizopus oligosporus  (RO) and  Rhizopus delemar (RD) .

Materials and Methods : All fungi were grown on various  industrial side streams such as beet vinasse, thin stillage and whole stillage .  The  test  diets  were based on the multicellular fungi  mentioned above and t itanium oxide was  added as the inert marker . Diets were produced by extrusion technology. The diet ary treatments consisted of a control diet and test diets with  30:70  test ingredient: control.  The experimental period lasted for 40 days .   20 fish were kept in each tank  with  3 replicates  per dietary treatment . One-way ANOVA was performed to compare the means of the groups with each other. p < 0.05 was considered significant.

Results:  The DM digestibility of  PEK was significantly higher than AO, RD and RO, all  with similar digestibility .  The crude protein ADC for PEK was 91.6% which is significantly higher than the other fungi sources.  The ADC of AO and RO  were  77.7% and 75.7%, respectively, which was significantly higher than that of RD  which was 68%. The crude fat digestibility of the ingredients were 83%, 98.7%, 49.7% and 87.3% for AO, PEK, RD and RO, respectively . AO, PEK and RO have similar crude fat ADC compared  to each other  but RD has significantly lower crude fat ADC compared with the  other ingredients tested.

Discussion: PEK seems to have high ADC for all macronutrients tested . A life-cycle analysis will further help in determining its suitability as an alternate, sustainable protein source for rainbow trout feed. Also, further growth  performance  trials are required  to assess their potential as ingredients in aqua feed.


 Cho, E. Y. a. S., S.L. (1979). Apparent Digestibility Measurement in Foodstuff for Rainbow Trout. World Symposium on Fin Fish Nutrition and Fish Feed Technology , 239-247.

 Langeland, M., Vidakovic, A., Vielma, J., Lindberg, J. E., Kiessling, A., & Lundh, T. (2016). Digestibility of microbial and mussel meal for Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis ). Aquaculture Nutrition, 22(2), 485-495.


Funding:  Nordforsk and Formas  Microbial ingredients:  University of Borås  and Eneferbio