AQUA 2024

August 26 - 30, 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark


Themistoklis Altintzoglou* and Ragnhild Aven Svalheim


 Nofima, Muninbakken 9-13, 9291 Tromsø, Norway;         


The Catch Welfare Platform (CWP)  is dedicated to improving  catch welfare in the wild capture fisheries. Our objectives include empowering stakeholders , prompting evidence based discussion s,  encouraging  knowledge exchange  to help devising practical  and profitable soloutions  for  better catch welfare.

 The  CWP  operates as a collaborative network with spesialised working groups  targeting  specific aims . Such as formulating  consumer  centric  criteria for certification and communication regarding catch welfare improvements. Existing knowledge on welfare in aquaculture will be integrated into CWP’s initiatives.

 To achieve our objective, we will gather input from CWP partners  to establish indicators for evaluating  catch welfare. This information will  inform the design of a consumer study in the UK aimed at understanding consumer preferences and attitudes towards the welfare of animals for seafood production.

 We will do an experiment within the survey to assess participants’ willingness to receive additional information. During the survey, participants will be offered the option to access supplementary details  by clicking on a provided link. This will help measure their inclination to seek further information. Participants who choose to access the additional information will then have the opportunity to read it. Following this, we will ask questions to confirm their understanding of the provided information.

 The survey will also include questions aimed at helping us interpret the results, including participants’ psychological, social, and demographic characteristics, as well as their consumption behavior.

Through this research, w e aim to get an understanding of  the challenges  and opportunities  associated with synchronized evaluation, certification, and communication of catch welfare , contributing to the sustainable development of the fisheries industry.