AQUA 2024

August 26 - 30, 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark


Linda Chen. Gonçalo Santos. Georg Baunach.


Hatch Blue & Hatch Innovation Services

Liberty St ?

Cork, Ireland


 At  87.5 million tons in 2020, aquaculture growth rate has exceeded captured fisheries and is expected to reach 106 million tons by 2030. Global aquafeed production reached 52.9 million metric tonnes in 2023 and needs to accelerate in volume to meet growing aquaculture demand. This research aims to identify the most competitive emerging protein-rich ingredients with potential for market-wide inclusion in aquafeed that  complements existing ingredients, expands the raw materials basket and bridges the feed protein gap. The report looks at the nutritional composition, digestibility, volume, production processes and challenges, cost, sale price and life cycle assessment of each ingredient to determine their scalability within the aquafeed market and summarize the challenges that need to be overcome before they can be adopted. The report provides a comparative analysis of these ingredients, an overview of the aquafeed market, lessons for aquafeed market entry and insights into neighboring markets that can provide additional revenue gains for ingredient producers.