Asian-Pacific Aquaculture 2024

July 2 - 5, 2024

Surabaya, Indonesia

Add To Calendar 04/07/2024 15:20:0004/07/2024 15:40:00Asia/JakartaAsian-Pacific Aquaculture 2024WORKING WELFARE INDEX FOR PANGASIUS IN MEKONG DELTA

Crystal 5The World Aquaculture Societyjohnc@was.orgfalseDD/MM/YYYYanrl65yqlzh3g1q0dme13067


T? Hoàng B?nh1 , Dr Lê Thanh H?i1 , Dr Ph?m Quang Huy1 , Dr Piotr Eljasik2 , Prof. Remigiusz Panicz2 , Tr?nh Th? Thanh Hòa1 , Lê Thi Mai Anh1 , Nguy?n Th? Kim Huong1 , Nguy?n Kim Kha1 , Huê Qu?c Hòa1 , Hu?nh Thanh Son3

(1 ): Dong Thap Community College; (2): organisation : PSCG –LUTREOLA; 

 (3 ): Pangasius Farming in Cao Lanh district, Dong Thap province.


 As consumers in developed countries start to demand fish welfare from their supermarket, we are working toward a technical platform to measure it in our farms. The research program in Community College of Dong Thap also aims at giving our students, who are also involved in the project, an earlier engagement in this new science. An interdisciplinary approach is applied, using from fish behavioral study to human philosophy of concepts, in a try-and-error process. Main tasks include taking photos and intestinal measurement of pangasius widely raised in the Mekong Delta, interviewing farmers and technical observation of farm conditions.