Asian-Pacific Aquaculture 2024

July 2 - 5, 2024

Surabaya, Indonesia

Add To Calendar 03/07/2024 16:40:0003/07/2024 17:00:00Asia/JakartaAsian-Pacific Aquaculture 2024SUPPLY CHAIN ANALYSIS, CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN THE AQUACULTURE INDUSTRY (CASE STUDY: KARIMUN JAWA, CENTRAL JAVA)Diamond 4The World Aquaculture Societyjohnc@was.orgfalseDD/MM/YYYYanrl65yqlzh3g1q0dme13067


 Paramaditya Arismawati* , Ayu E. Wahyuni, Rahaditya D. Prihadianto,  Abduh S. Albana , Wahyu A. Prastyabudi and Rahmalia Nurhalissa

 Telkom University

 Surabaya, East Java 60231


Aquaculture with floating net cages off the northern coast is growing industry that benefits coastal communities .  Offshore Floating Net Cages (KJA) is a large-scale , high-tech , and modern fish farming method that adopts aquaculture technology from Norway . This technology is effectively used to promote increased production and sustainable utilization of potential farming areas . The purpose of this research is to identify the supply chain , analyze added value , understand the industry status, distribution networks , challenges , and opportunities in the aquaculture industry . The research method employs both quantitative and qualitative descriptive methods with the Food Supply Chain Network (FSCN) approach . This research can advance and add value to grouper fish aquaculture on the northern coast of Java.

 Indonesia is an archipelago with more than 17,000 islands and a coastline of approximately 81,000 km. The potential area for aquaculture development is 26,606,000 ha. Besides the vast waters , the potential also comes from the extensive land area that can be used for aquaculture farming. Aquaculture is the practice of cultivating or maintaining aquatic organisms such as fish , shrimp , shellfish , or other aquatic plants in controlled environments like ponds , tanks , or floating net cages . Floating net cages are structures for rearing fish made of square or cylindrical nets that float on the water’s surface using buoys and frames made of wood , bamboo , or iron . The floating net cages are located in three places : Pangandaran Regency in West Java, Sabang City in Aceh, and Karimun Jawa in Jepara, Central Java. The depth of the offshore KJA nets is 15 meters , and more seeds are planted , about 1.2 million seeds per year for eight holes . As a result , production will increase , reaching 816 tons per unit annually.

The offshore KJA in Karimun Jawa, overseen by the Marine and Fisheries Department of Central Java Province , is an effort to increase fish production , particularly grouper , which is a key fishery commodity . This technology is adopted from aquaculture technology in Norway . Supply chain and value analysis are very useful in identifying challenges and opportunities in a sector and provide a basis for building a resilient supply network that benefits both businesses and the industry . The aquaculture industry involves the cultivation of fish or aquatic organisms in both freshwater and marine environments . This research focuses on grouper fish in Indonesia because analyses regarding the industry status, challenges , and opportunities in the aquaculture industry have already been conducted in Singapore and Colombia . In Asia, supply chain analysis has been studied for shrimp and oyster farming, but there has not yet been a comprehensive supply chain and value analysis for grouper fish.