Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) cultivation has been developing in Indonesia since 2002. Currently, vanamei shrimp has become one of the main export commodities for fisheries. The development of shrimp cultivation is supported by various types of cultivation technology. One of the newest technologies is millennial shrimp farming (MSF). Millennial Shrimp Farming (MSF) technology use circular pond with high stocking densities range from 250 to 500 PLs/m2. This technology is equipped by paddle wheel, aeration, automatic feeder and start up technology for water quality monitoring.
As the amount of feed increases, the waste produced will also increase. Waste from shrimp cultivation produces approximately 35% organic waste, 15% feed waste and 20% shrimp metabolic waste. As waste increases, it will undergo a decomposition process which will produce nitrites and ammonia, because not all of the feed is consumed by the shrimp.
The aim of study was to determine the effectiveness of shrimp effluent management system in millennial shrimp farming (MSF) technology. This system consists of: (1) inlet or sedimentation pond I; (2) sedimentation pond II; (3) oxygenation pond I; (4) oxygenation pond II or outlet; (5) mud sedimentation pond I and mud sedimentation pond II.
The results of measuring waste water quality parameters in each pond show that the shrimp effluent management system has functioned well for the parameters pH, BOD5 and TSS. However, the parameters Nitrite, Nitrate, TAN, free ammonia, PO4 and organic matter are still not effective because the values are still above the permissible threshold limits.
Based on the observed water quality parameters, the shrimp effluent management system efficiency for BOD5 parameters was 64.71% and TSS was 92%. The efficiency level of the shrimp effluent management system is categorized according to the opinion of Tchobanoglous et al. (1991) in Rachman Syah et al (2017) as follows: Very efficient: x > 80%; efficient: 60% < x = 80%; moderately efficient: 40% < x = 60%; less efficient: 20% < x = 40%; inefficient: x = <20%. Therefore, the shrimp effluent management system in millennial ponds is efficient enough to reduce BOD5 and TSS values.