Asian-Pacific Aquaculture 2024

July 2 - 5, 2024

Surabaya, Indonesia

Add To Calendar 05/07/2024 09:40:0005/07/2024 10:00:00Asia/JakartaAsian-Pacific Aquaculture 2024TECHNIQUES FOR IMPROVING POND PRODUCTIVITY THROUGH JUVENILE SHRIMP STOCKINGCrystal 5The World Aquaculture Societyjohnc@was.orgfalseDD/MM/YYYYanrl65yqlzh3g1q0dme13067


Bayu Romadhona*, Hendra Gunawan, Supito


Jepara Brackish Water Aquaculture Development Center

Jl. Cik Lanang, Rw. IV, Bulu, Kec. Jepara, Jepara Regency, Central Java 59418, Indonesia, Phone: (0291)

591125 Fax: (0291) 591724

Corresponding Author:


The potential for traditional Indonesian shrimp ponds reaches 247. 803 Ha or 82.4% of the total pond area of ​​300.501 Ha. The area of ​​traditional farms in Sidoarjo district, East Java is around 10.871 Ha, with the main commodity being tiger prawns. The decreasing yield of tiger prawn ponds due to disease attacks results in the death of shrimp at an early age which is suspected to reduce environmental quality, so technical efforts are needed to shorten maintenance. This paper aims to determine the productivity of extensive shrimp farm through stocking of juvenile tiger prawn seeds (tokolan = in local name). Observational technical data was obtained from 6 traditional pond locations in the Sidoarjo area (table 1), with 2 different seed stocking methods, 3 locations of PL-12 size stocking ponds (Post Larva = length 0.8-0.9 cm), and 3 stocking locations with PL-30 (from nursery ponds/juvenile size = length 1.2-1.5 cm).

Materials used at each activity location include PL and Juvenile (tokolan) foraged shrimp seeds, active lime, dolomite lime, molasses (cane molasses, EM-4 probiotics, rice bran, filters (happa/filter from net). Equipment used includes diesel pumps, water quality equipment (reflaktometer, water scale, water pH), harvesting tools, stationery. Cultivation stages include land preparation, water intake, stocking, artificial feed and water management, harvest. Land preparation includes drying, repairing leaks, raising pond bottom sludge, liming doses 300-500 kg/Ha, making dry fermentation for the soil base. Water intake source from river by gravity and diesel pump, equipped with filter. Initial height 40-50 cm from the yard. Next application of 15 ppm saponin and making probiotic culture. Distribution of tiger prawn seeds comes from a clear source, uniformity > 80%, maximum salinity difference of 10 ppt, stocking density of PL-12 with stocking 3-5 seed/m² and juvenile 1-2 seed/m², temperature adaptation is carried out (bags are floated plot ±15 minutes) and salinity (adding pond water to the bag). Maintenance stage, checking water quality periodically, adding water, liming, probiotic culture. Management of natural food (water algae) is regulated by a percentage density of 60% space for shrimp and 40% aquatic plants, as well as adding milkfish at 0.25 fish/m². Partial and total harvesting stages using prayang/bamboo trap tools as well as drying the pond plots. Survival Rate (SR) using tokolan seed stocking method is higher (average 26/-27%) compared to PL 12 stocking SR 6,8-8.5%), technically also tokolan/ juvenile stocking shortens maintenance from 4 months to 2.5 In the month a partial harvest can be done, the soil conditions are better and economically more profitable.