Asian-Pacific Aquaculture 2024

July 2 - 5, 2024

Surabaya, Indonesia

Add To Calendar 04/07/2024 16:40:0004/07/2024 17:00:00Asia/JakartaAsian-Pacific Aquaculture 2024ARTIFICIAL FEED ENRICHMENT WITH BIOACTIVATORS FOR BUSINESS SCALE EFFICIENCY AND EFFECTIVENESSDiamond 1The World Aquaculture Societyjohnc@was.orgfalseDD/MM/YYYYanrl65yqlzh3g1q0dme13067


Akhmad Riva’i*, Samsul Bahrawi, Sunyoto


Balai Perikanan Budidaya Air Tawar Mandiangin

Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan Budidaya

Jl. Tahura Sultan Adam Km.14 Mandiangin Kec. Karang Intan Kab.Banjar Kalimantan Selatan,


Feed is one of the components that really supports aquaculture business activities, so the available feed must be adequate and meet the needs of the fish. The use of feed for fish production can consume 70 percent of the total production costs. Using Artificial feed is the right solution to reduce dependence on commercial feed by utilizing raw materials that are cheap but meet nutritional content to reduce production costs.

This study aims to determine the use of artificial feed with bioactivators on the growth of catfish and the target to be achieved, namely producing a percentage of feed with efficient FCR. This activity was carried out at BPBAT Mandiangin for 8 months of maintenance by stocking 500 catfish seeds in each treatment, namely treatment A (Artificial feed + Biofactivator) and treatment B (Artificial feed). The parameters observed include relative growth. survival, feed conversion, water quality, and business analysis.

The results of the activity showed that treatment A obtained better results than treatment B with an FCR value of 1,61, Relative Growth 99,03%, SR 88,10%, average weight 826,06 grams, and condition factor 28,15, while in treatment B Independent feed without bioactivator obtained an FCR value of 1,82, growth 98.89%, SR 82,80%, average weight 722,84 grams, and condition factor 25,38.