Asian-Pacific Aquaculture 2024

July 2 - 5, 2024

Surabaya, Indonesia

Add To Calendar 03/07/2024 14:30:0003/07/2024 14:50:00Asia/JakartaAsian-Pacific Aquaculture 2024USE OF RESULT MAGGOT BIOCONVERSION AS GROWTH MEDIA FOR Moina sp. IN FRESHWATERDiamond 1The World Aquaculture Societyjohnc@was.orgfalseDD/MM/YYYYanrl65yqlzh3g1q0dme13067


Putri Ramdhani (1), Akhmad Rivai (2), Sarifin (2)

1. Analis Aquaculture Muda pada BPBAT Mandiangin

2. Pengawas Madya pada BPBAT Mandiangin


Aquaculture starting from fish larvae up to consumption fish. In the larval rearing stage, natural food is required which corresponds to the size of the fish’s mouth opening. One of the natural foods fulfilling these criteria is Moina sp. To grow Moina sp Fertilization is required from organic materials containing the elements N, P and K. These ingredients are found in “KASGOT” or the abbreviation of “Maggot Ex”. Kasgot contains an N value of 1.91%, Pospat is 0.23 and Potassium of 1.90. Meanwhile, in accordance with the decision of the Minister of Agriculture Republic of Indonesia Number 261/KPTS/SR.310/M/4/2019 concerning Requirements Minimum Technical for Organic Fertilizer, Biological Fertilizer and Soil Improver, that is fertilizer organic must have a total N, P and K value of 2%.


One way to solve the organic waste problem is by bioconversion, namely using the help of living organisms to break down waste. One of the organisms that can do that is a maggot (Black Soldier Fly Larvae). Apart from being a waste decomposer, Maggot itself is widely used by breeders and cultivators fish as an alternative feed for livestock and fish. Meanwhile the result of maggot bioconversion or what is commonly known as "KASGOT” can be used as fertilizer for plants, because has N.P and K values ​​that comply with standards.

Moina sp. is a natural food for fish and shrimp larvae because having a size that corresponds to the size of the mouth opening, has value high nutrition, can reproduce and grow in environments with low dissolved oxygen content and high ammonia concentration, has a rate reproduction. Moina sp. an important type of plankton as an alternative natural food because the size matches the mouth opening of the fish larva.


The material used is 3 kg of Kasgot. Then put it down into a tarpaulin tub with a diameter of 2. With a water height of 1 meter. Next Preparation of the container includes cleaning the container. Cleaning the tank carried out after the water recedes, by suction using a water hose Pull the outlet pipe to the side and wait for the water to recede. After the water in the tub has reduced, the tub is ready to be washed using a floor cleaning rush, after the floor and all walls have been scrubbed, The tub is sprayed and watered so that the remaining dirt falls and enters the channel water disposal. Cultivation media can be used after drying and filling tank water is 80% of the tank volume. Then fertilize Cultivation containers aim to grow phytoplankton in containers cultivation used by Moina sp. as food for it to grow and breed. The fertilization process is carried out before stocking, the media It has been filled with water up to 80% of the volume of the tub, given cassava as fertilizer It has been fermented in water by stirring until the cashew fertilizer is dissolved. After a day of Fertilization, spreading can be done. In cultivating Moina sp. After maintenance for 5-10 days then the process of harvesting Moina sp. can be carried out.

During maintenance, water quality observations are carried out including pH, temperature, and D.O. Quality measurements are intended to determine the quality of water media, as one of the supporting factors in the successful maintenance of Moina sp is water quality.

Apart from that, laboratory testing was carried out on Kasgot media for Sodium, Phosphate and Potassium. As a confirmation material that kasgot media has nutrients as the basic material for growing phytoplankton is a natural food from Moina, Sp


Maggot comes from the Black Soldier Fly (BSF). Maggot maintenance carried out at BPBAT Mandiangin ranges from 38 – 60 days starting from egg stage. BSF flies will lay eggs in the gaps in the wood provided. After that the eggs will hatch in 2 – 4 days. This is in accordance with Tomberlin 2002 which says that eggs are stored at 30°C at Maggot cultivation will hatch in 3.5 days. At 2.5 days, the eye spot was red begin to appear in the embryo (seen with the help of binoculars or a hand lens). At 3 days the red eye spot was well defined. These eggs hatch inside 24 hour time. After the BSF fly eggs hatch, they will turn into fly larvae BSF which is called maggot. Maggots grow well in density 2.5 larvae per cm2 of surface area, and each requires 1–1.5 g.

Media Black Soldier Fly is able to extract energy and nutrients from vegetable remains, food waste, animal carcasses, and other waste residues, such as feces and waste water domestic as food. The larvae or maggots of the black soldier fly can recycles solid and liquid waste, and is suitable for bred in monoculture because it is easy to spread, safe and easy bred in all conditions. Moreover, it is not easily affected by microorganisms and are not easily infected by parasites. Black Soldier Fly is also capable survive in extreme conditions and are able to cooperate with microorganisms to degrade organic waste. Black Soldier Fly is not a pest (Popa, 2012), but it is a type of fly that has a greater risk of spreading disease low compared to other types of flies (Bullock, et al, 2013)

The final result of the bioconversion process, namely changes in the composition of organic materials waste resulting from decomposition by black soldier fly larvae into organic compounds which is simpler. The bioconversion results from black soldier fly larvae produce stable materials, such as compost. Compost is the final form of materials organic waste after undergoing decomposition or conversion.

“Kasgot” that has been harvested is soaked in a 2-diameter tarpaulin tub it was given aeration for 15 days of maintenance. After 15 days of maintenance harvesting is carried out. The results of the abundance of Moina sp were 932,000 ind/tub.

Moina sp. in the waters can be seen with the naked eye. Therefore for Calculating the abundance of Moina sp can be counted one by one without using tools magnifier or microscope. The use of cassava fertilizer can increase the growth of water fleas (Moina sp.) is the same as with bran fertilizer where fertilizer Kasgot has very good properties for the growth of water fleas (Moina sp.) This is in accordance with Sianidar’s statement in Nurjanah (1997), that fertilizing a body of water so that it is not given too much or too much A little.

“Kasgot” is tested in a soil laboratory Faculty of Agriculture, Lambung Mangkurat University. As for the test results as in the table below:


KASGOT or result maggot bioconversion media has N, P and K values which corresponds to the standards required for phytoplankton growth. Phytoplanton is the food of Moina sp, so "kasgot" can used as a natural feed for growing Moina sp which is used as natural food for fish larvae because their size fits the fish’s mouth opening. This aquaculture analyst activity report can be used as a publication from maggot cultivation activities at BPBAT Mandiangin. But it needs to be done research in the socio-economic field such as the use of wastewater in efficiency use of manure in the fisheries sector