Aquaculture America 2024

February 18 - 21, 2024

San Antonio, Texas

EVALUATING THE EFFECTS OF Cetobacterium somerae MSU49, AS FEED SUPPLEMENT FOR HYBRID CATFISH Ictalurus punctatus × I. furcatus


Jing Huang* , Heather Jordan, Caitlin E. Older, Crystal L. Conde, Matt J. Griffin, Peter J. Allen, David J. Wise, J. Grant Reifers, Penelope M. Goodman, Fernando Y. Yamamoto


Thad Cochran National Warmwater Aquaculture Center

Mississippi State University

Stoneville, MS, 38776


 As one of the most prevalent intestinal bacteria  of freshwater fish, Cetobacterium spp. is  known to be capable of vitamin B12 biosynthesis .  In  a previous study conducted by our research group,  the intestinal microbiota of earthen pond-cultured hybrid catfish (Ictalurus punctatus × I. furcatus )  presented a  28 to 40%  relative abundance of bacteria from the genus Cetobacterium . Presently , other than vitamin B12 biosynthesis , the metabolism and role of Cetobacterium in the intestine  of  freshwater fish  remains unknown ,  but it is possible that it can be involved in pathogenic bacteria regulation and health promotion. T wo Cetobacterium spp. were isolated from samples  obtained from the previously mentioned study  and identified as  Cetobacterium somerae through whole genome sequence (WGS) .  The phenotypes of the isolates were evaluated for antibiotic susceptibility,  a biochemical panel, and antagonistic inhibition of catfish enteric bacterial pathogens (Edwardsiella ictaluri , E. piscicida , and Aeromonas hydrophila) . It was observed that neither  isolate had inhibitory properties on all three pathogens in vitro, but  they  are sensitive to regular antibiotics. The identified coding sequences (CDS) of the genome included  genes related to amino acid metabolism and vitamin biosynthesis (Vitamins B1, 2, 6, 7, 9, and 12). Lastly,  Cetobacterium somerae  MSU49, was tested as a microorganism to enhance the nutritional profile of protein ingredients (soybean and cottonseed meal) commonly used in catfish feeds through fermentation. A 3×4 factorial des ign w as  assigned in this study, aiming to find the optimal fermentation conditions with 3 different temperatures (29, 31, and 33C), and 4 bacteria concentrations (Control, 103, 104, and 105 CFU/g). Anti-nutrition factors, including free gossypol, glycinin, and beta-glycinin were evaluated , and  a  significant decrease i n glycinin (45.4 ±4.3 μg/g )  and beta-glycinin (20.3 ±6.0 μg/g )  levels were observed when ingredients were fermented with 103 CFU/mL MSU49 at 33°C for 48 hours compared to control (Glycinin: 65.9±14.3; beta-glycinin: 33.3 ±3.1 μg/g). Proximate composition and mycotoxin levels  of fermented products did not exhibit significant changes . These findings suggests that  Cetobacterium somerae  MSU49 can be  a  potential microorganism to ferment these plant protein ingredients by providing additional nutrients and reducing anti-nutritional factors.