Aquaculture America 2024

February 18 - 21, 2024

San Antonio, Texas


O . C. Betiku *,  K. Sarjeant , S. Leong, J. Neil, V. Richardson, and G. Wesson.

College of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, 32307


The World Bank and Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) have estimated that world fish food consumption will increase by 20% by 2030 . In addition to health benefits and food security, aquaculture has been playing significant roles in world development by promoting economic growth and providing jobs. The aquaculture industry’s success and recognized contribution to global food security rely on meeting the constant demand for trained personnel caring for cultured fish species. Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) is a historically black college and university (HBCU) with about 10,000 student populations. Aquaculture research at the university started about two years ago, with a  complete  recirculating system for freshwater fishes. In addition, there are twelve large  earthen  ponds where pilot studies with farmers can be conducted. Fish species, including bluegill, tilapia, and catfish, are housed for nutritional and microbiome research.  Other  fish species are being added based on the research needs . There are opportunities for undergraduate paid research internships. Also, the university provides scholarship opportunities for graduate degrees in aquaculture. The FAMU aquaculture facility is student-driven, which offers the opportunity to learn and master the daily routines of the culturing system. The university collaborates with other HBCUs and other universities to provide outstanding knowledge to our students through various programs. For instance, two students who interned in the undergraduate summer research have been accepted to the University of Minnesota Veterinary Medicine Program through the VetLEAD program. Several of these opportunities are available to undergraduate and graduate students who received training in aquaculture. The main goal is to ensure our students succeed by acquiring adequate aquaculture training in teaching, research, and extension for successful careers through this facility.