Aquaculture America 2024

February 18 - 21, 2024

San Antonio, Texas


Bobbi Hudson* , Chris Eardley, Dani Toepelt and Laura Butler


Pacific Shellfish Institute

120 State Ave. #1056

Olympia, WA 98501


 Modern and simple data reporting for Washington shellfish producers is on the horizon.  State agencies required to collect harvest data are coordinating with shellfish trade associations, non-regulatory agencies, and the Pacific Shellfish Institute to develop a new electronic data system. The system will consolidate multi-agency reporting and improve consistency. This is a “win-win” for shellfish managers, farmers, and harvesters.  Accurate and reliable harvest production reporting is critical to conduct economic analyses that support the productivity and economic sustainability of shellfish aquaculture. Accurate information has been lacking for decades, hindering U.S. aquaculture growth and programs to aid economic relief following catastrophic events like natural disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic. Production data are also vital for consumer and market evaluations, and prospective investments in the shellfish producing sector. Data is also needed for outreach programs that educate the public and policy makers. Production information is an important component of telling the story of shellfish as a natural resource. Volumes and value demonstrate the significance of shellfish like oysters, mussels and clams to our coastal communities and U.S. seafood production. This effort is funded in part by NOAA National Sea Grant under #NA21OAR4170088. The team has carefully considered confidentiality and is seeking widespread buy-in from stakeholders.