The Kootenai River White Sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus and Burbot Lota lota maculosa were once abundant in the Kootenai/ay River Basin in Idaho and Montana, USA, and British Columbia, Canada. Kootenai White S turgeon remain listed as endangered in both countries , and Burbot natural recruitment remains very low despite recent succes ses meeting interim goals of warding of extinction / extirpation by filling recruitment gaps and re-building population structures via conservation aquaculture, and ecological restoration actions. The Kootenai Tribe of Idaho’s (KTOI) K ootenai R iver N ative F ish C onservation A quaculture Program (KRNFCAP) goals are, avoid extirpation and rebuild abundance to jump-start natural recruitment, and support cultural and recreational harvest. Beyond rebuilding abundance, the conservation hatcheries a lso 1) spawn, rear, and release fish in a manner that supports monitoring, research, and evaluations of post-release performance of hatchery White Sturgeon and Burbot; and 2) release early life stages across habitat types/conditions in a manner that allows long-term evaluation of recruitment failure, and habitat restoration outcomes . By doing so, conservation aquaculture is an integral part of a large multi-strategy ecosystem restoration RM&E effort. The pr esentation will provide a summary of recent program adaptations implemented in response to recent RM&E results concerning the current status of the focal species and to the current ecological state of the Kootenai Basin.