Aquaculture America 2024

February 18 - 21, 2024

San Antonio, Texas


Ganesh Kumar* and Morgan Cheatham

Thad Cochran National Warmwater Aquaculture Center

Mississippi State University

 Stoneville, MS 38776


 Off-flavor has been a persistent problem in the U.S. catfish industry. The economic effects of off-flavor incidence are felt at the farm, processor, and market levels. This study quantified the cost of catfish off-flavor at the farm level. A survey of catfish producers carried out in 2022 (n=54) revealed that 85% of the foodfish production area was following management practices for curbing off-flavor. From producer responses, the average annual off-flavor prevalence and the associated processing plant sample rejection rate was 27%, with the highest rates being in  the summer months (45%). The average duration of harvest delays was 23 days/year with the highest in winter months (36 days). Forty-three percent of the surveyed area were using only diuron products while 35% of the area employed diuron and copper sulfate for managing off-flavor, making diuron a popular choice algicide (78% of the area) for off-flavor management. Direct annual cost associated with off-flavor management on catfish farms amounted to $39.9 million ($2,325/ha or $0.272 /kg). This accounted for about 10% of the total cost of producing market-sized catfish in 2022. Cost of holding and maintaining fish during  the  off-flavor period accounted for majority (94%) of the annual direct costs. Other contributing cost components include labor spending on off-flavor treatment, sampling, and transport; cost of treatment supplies; sampling supplies, sampling transportation, and interest on operating expenses. Cost of production was sensitive to changes in the prevalence and duration of off-flavor events. Total industry economic loss from off-flavor was estimated at $74 million in 2022. The study details the continued significance of off-flavor in US catfish farming and sheds light on the associated economic effects.