Aquaculture America 2024

February 18 - 21, 2024

San Antonio, Texas


Adriane Michaelis* , Suzanne Bricker, Jordan Hollarsmith, Julie Rose, and Seth Theuerkauf

Virginia Institute of Marine Science, William & Mary

 1370 Greate Rd, Gloucester Point, VA 23062


Shellfish and seaweed aquaculture are increasingly recognized for their role in ecosystem services production, and a growing body of peer-reviewed science documents their connections to all categories of ecosystem services: cultural, provisioning, regulating, and supporting. This project aims to assess the state of the science and utilize the knowledge of experts throughout the United States to identify key next steps for advancing the field of bivalve shellfish and seaweed aquaculture ecosystems services r esearch. Framed as a horizon scan, this project seeks to identify not only research gaps and needs, but potential areas where policy or management has yet to operationalize well-documented aquaculture-associated benefits and services.

In 2023, research scientists, industry leaders, resource managers, extension personnel, and others well-versed in aquaculture ecosystem services were invited to contribute to this aquaculture ecosystem service horizon scan. Synthesized findings of that information call will be presented to introduce an initial prioritization and discussion of related research and management needs. This presentation will be one of several opportunities for project participants and others to provide feedback on this synthesis.