Aquaculture America 2024

February 18 - 21, 2024

San Antonio, Texas


Matthew LaGanke*, Natalia Schoenberg, Nihal Guennouni, William Calhoun, Julia Grenn, Anna Caputo, William Walton, Jessica Small

Virginia Institute of Marine Science

William & Mary

Gloucester Point, Virginia 23062


The Aquaculture Collective (AquaCo) at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) aims to expand educational, professional, and social opportunities to students of all levels interested in aquaculture through events rooted in discussion, skill development, and connection. In addition to providing opportunities to students at W&M and VIMS, AquaCo will broadcast to and interact with external communities that are less exposed to aquaculture. Broadly, the subunit aspires to increase awareness and accessibility of aquaculture and the USAS by building upon the reinvigorated aquaculture initiative at VIMS. While USAS has formally recognized AquaCo as a student subunit of USAS, the organization is currently traversing the recognition processes at VIMS and W&M.

The organization is unique to VIMS, W&M, and possibly USAS in being the first aquaculture-focused organization and the first student-led organization that will incorporate both undergraduate and graduate students into its membership. The two campuses are located twenty-five minutes apart, and logistical issues have historically been an issue for interaction between the campuses. This organization aims to overcome this challenge by funding travel between both campuses and holding events, such as chapter meetings, at both campuses.

AquaCo’s three-part mission: 1) Educationally, AquaCo plans to leverage the resources from USAS and VIMS to provide an organized forum for students to learn about various regional and international aquaculture. There will be an emphasis on ‘learning by doing’ and ‘learning by teaching.’ 2) Professionally, AquaCo will promote the development of new skills and abilities and provide networking opportunities through participation in USAS and WAS events. There will be a focus on improving communication skills through a ‘boots on the ground’ approach to outreach in less-resourced communities. 3) Socially, the organization will serve as a relaxed setting for students to bond over productive conversations about aquaculture. We will welcome all people of all backgrounds to participate in fostering long-lasting relationships built around aquaculture.

In this presentation, I will highlight how we plan to achieve our mission and provide an overview of the VIMS and W&M facilities where this will occur.