Alaska’s aquaculture industry is currently a small-scale, but rapidly growing, economic opportunity for coastal Alaskan communities. One of the keys to sustainably developing aquaculture is strong communication between NOAA , state groups, industry, and the public. During fiscal year 2023, the NOAA F isheries Alaska Aquaculture Program pursued a variety of initiatives to support the developing aquaculture industry, including several communications projects. These projects included a video documenting the collaborations between researchers and aquaculture farmers, the 2023 NOAA Fisheries Alaska Aquaculture Accomplishments Report, a classroom aquaculture demonstration and accompanying curriculum, and stakeholder outreach to support Alaska’s new Aquaculture Opportunity Area initiative. Takeaway lessons from these projects included the importance of diverse communication methods, tailoring aquaculture for use in classroom settings, and the easily forgotten strength of in-person outreach as a supplement to other communications work.