Aquaculture America 2024

February 18 - 21, 2024

San Antonio, Texas



Offshore wind companies continue to create wind farms off coastlines which may be harmful to sea life. Due to the migration of large marine mammals through these waters, a Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) system capable of real -time and long term detections is needed for their protection.

Proposed Solution:

 Ocean Power Technologies, Inc. (OPT)  has  combined with industry experts in marine mammal behavior, data analysis,  signal processing,  and maritime systems to develop a  PAM system for marine mammal protection . Our solution involves integrati on of  OPTs commercially available PowerBuoys® with a  specialized  seafloor lander system equipped with hydrophones . The system can  detect and localize large marine mammal activity. The data captured is processed in real-time and, through high-bandwidth Satellite Communications (SATCOM), is sent to a shore-based station equipped with monitoring software. An external marine science company provides PAM Operators for final validation of detections. Validated detections will be relayed via a cloud analytics system for notifications to ocean users. The system is also capable of long-term passive monitoring of areas of interests with integrated onboard data storage.

Deployment Strategy:

 Phase 1: System Integration, optimization, and deployment planning, considering prior in-ocean demonstration data , marine mammal targets, and METOCEAN characteristics of the deployment location(s).

Phase 2: Deploy ment of the PAM systems up to one year of autonomous  real-time monitoring and detection of large marine mammals . The system is scalable, allowing  for  a network of PAM systems to monitor a large area.

PAM System Hardware :  OPT’s PowerBuoy® paired with a specialized  seafloor  lander, featuring three hydrophones. Each PowerBuoy® has a solar panel array and wind power generation. Energy is stored  in on-board  high-capacity batteries,  with proven reliability.  Acoustic data is digitized and processed in real-time using a specific processor running monitoring software. The system can detect a range of marine mammals, optimized for large marine mammals. A single point umbilical mooring system is used to minimize entanglement risks.