Aquaculture Africa 2023

November 13 - 16, 2023

Lusaka, Zambia


Austin Stankus


Fisheries and Aquaculture Division

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, Rome, Italy 00153


Integrated Agriculture Aquaculture (IAA) is a sustainable farming practice that combines aquaculture with agriculture, creating a synergistic system. The integration of aquaculture and agriculture is not a recent innovation. Indeed, it is ancient, but in a context of increasing pressure on natural resources and land, aggravated by the uncertainties of climate change, it offers new opportunities to build more sustainable food systems through new practices that allow producing more, while also creating socio-economic and environmental benefits. By creating synergies, IAA not only contributes to food production, food security and nutrition, but also to the restoration of ecosystem services and biodiversity, which are essential for sustainable agriculture. It can thus play an important role in building resilience and adapting to climate change. In Africa, IAA holds great potential for addressing food security, poverty alleviation, and environmental sustainability.

One of the key advantages of IAA is its ability to maximize resource utilization. This integrated approach not only increases overall productivity but also reduces the environmental impact associated with traditional monoculture systems. IAA also provides a sustainable option for intensification, where the same amount of land and water can be used to produce both crops and fish. Furthermore, IAA allows for diversified income streams for farmers, making them less vulnerable to market fluctuations in a single sector. However, several challenges hinder the widespread adoption of IAA in Africa. Limited access to capital, technical knowledge, and suitable land for integrated systems are significant barriers. Inadequate infrastructure and market linkages also pose challenges for scaling up IAA operations.

Despite these challenges, there are notable opportunities for the growth of IAA in Africa. The continent’s diverse agro-ecological zones provide a range of environments suitable for different integrated systems. Moreover, advancements in technology and innovation offer promising avenues for increasing aquaculture production. Investment in training and capacity building for farmers, as well as the development of supportive policies and regulations, can further accelerate the adoption of IAA.