Fig. 3. Model for pragmatic action for the development of sus-
tainable dead-river fish culture (Parvin et al. 2008).
The practice of dead-
river fish culture in the char
area of northern Bangla-
desh is traditional. As such,
the productivity is low com-
pared with extensive fish
farming in pond systems
in rural Bangladesh, with
an average of 3,500 kg/ha/
yr (ADB 2005). It is, there-
fore, suggested that higher
fish yields can be obtained
through community-based
better management practic-
es (Sultana and Thompson
2007). Active community
participation with their adaptive and
proactive capacities is also important
for sustainable dead-river fish culture.
It is also worthwhile to find a means
of providing institutional and orga-
nizational support, training facilities
and extension services. Training and
technical support would help improve
profitability and reduce risks. The
provision of low-interest credit would
also help reduce risks for char dwell-
ers. Additionally, it is necessary to
build a link between the efforts taken
at the community level and develop-
ment organizations (Brocklesby and
Fisher 2003). Community participa-
tion should be supported and guided
by local governments and NGOs to
make it both more effective and envi-
ronmentally friendly. To develop sus-
tainable dead-river fish culture, the
government should incorporate the
method of coordination and partner-
ship among the development efforts
of government, NGOs and commu-
nities (Figure 3). In addition, a posi-
tive government policy can help to
promote sustainable development of
dead-river fish culture throughout the
char region.
Nesar Ahmed is Professor in the De-
partment of Fisheries Management,
Bangladesh Agricultural University,
Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh, spe-
cialized in ‘socioeconomic aspects of
aquatic resources development’ who
obtained a PhD from the University of
Stirling, UK and postdoctoral research
fellowship at Charles Darwin Univer-
sity, Australia. E-mail: nesar_2000@
The study was supported by the
UK Department for International De-
velopment (DFID) as part of the Mar-
ket Development Fund under CLP. I
am deeply indebted to TARA and
RSDA for the facilities accorded dur-
ing field visits and data collection. The
opinions expressed herein are those of
the author and do not necessarily re-
flect the views of any organization.
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