Latin American & Caribbean Aquaculture 2023

April 18 - 21, 2023

Panama City, Panama

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LACQUA23 will be the 2023 Annual meeting of the Latin American & Caribbean Chapter of WAS. Following upon the previous successful LACQUA meetings, LACQUA23 will bring back international attention to the aquaculture industry of Panama and Latin America.

LACQUA23 will be held in Panama City, the capital of Panama. Panama is a cosmopolitan, dynamic city, where the modern and the traditional come together to create a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere. Panama, the hub of the Americas, makes a great venue for LACQUA23.

The aquaculture sector of Panama (fish and shrimp together) is one of the main export items of the country. The most cultivated species in Panama are fish (tilapia, cobia, pámpano) and shrimp.


The conference will be held in three languages for spoken and written materials. The conference will include all major aquatic species cultured in Panama and the other LACC countries with a special focus on tilapia, trout, shrimp and marine species.


There will be an exhibition of aquaculture suppliers from around the world displaying the latest in equipment, supplies and services. As well as national entities.

18 - 21

April 2023 Panama City, Panama

Sustainable Aquaculture for Two Oceans

Plenary Speakers


Dr. Daniel Benetti

Professor & Director of Aquaculture University of Miami – RSMAS

Dr. Daniel Benetti

Professor & Director of Aquaculture University of Miami – RSMAS

Marine Fish Aquaculture in the Americas: From Technological Advances to Commercial Reaiity

Dr. Daniel Benetti is a Professor and Director of Aquaculture at the University of Miami's Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. He has over 40 years of experience in aquaculture and environmental studies worldwide. He specializes hatcheries and offshore aquaculture technologies. Besides his academic and research responsibilities, he carries out scientific and R&D projects on technology development and environmental issues related to aquaculture and project development. He focuses on advanced technologies of raising tropical and subtropical marine fish species and the biotic and abiotic aspects related to their biology, ecology and conservation.

Benetti has published over 180 articles in science, technology, and production, has been a consultant for the private and government sectors and is internationally recognized for his contributions to the field. He has extensive experience with the industry and has been a consultant for the government and private sectors in Latin America, U.S., Europe, Asia, Caribbean, Africa, Australia and the Middle East. He worked for, and still collaborates with, all companies commercially producing tropical marine fish in the Americas (Costa Rica, Panama, Mexico and Hawaii). He collaborates with researchers and institutions the world over. Some of the countries he has consulted or is currently consulting for are: Australia, US, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Mexico, Brazil, the Bahamas, Turkey, Italy, Kuwait, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Japan, and China. Benetti has been a member of the Science Advisory Boards of several committees such as FAO, WWF, MBA Seafood Watch, the Pew Oceans Commission, among others. He currently chairs the prestigious Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) International Hatchery and Nurseries Standards Certification Committee.

Benetti directs a very productive academic and research program and currently advises 18 graduate students (PhD, MS and MPS). He has advised over 160 students who graduated from the Program. He specializes in science related to aquaculture at all life stages, planning and executing projects, technology development and transfer and has experience in obtaining funding, designing, implementing and running marine fish hatcheries and growout aquaculture operations, including training of scientific, technical and managerial staff. He is result driven and his work is centered on innovative approaches to ensure that seafood production through mariculture is science based, wholesome, environmentally sustainable and economic viable.


Carlos Salinas

Regional Director US Soybean Export Council

Carlos Salinas

Regional Director US Soybean Export Council

Oilseed Perspectives - The Changing Flows in Global Trade

He is primarily responsible for US soybean marketing and market development strategy and implementation in the region. Prior to this, Carlos was Senior Director of US Soybean Meal. Prior to USSEC, Salinas was the leader of Bunge's US Feed Grains office, where he was responsible for aligning global strategy in North America, spot and futures trading exposure, including leading and executing business strategy. Carlos has worked with various commodities, mainly oilseeds, feed grains and vegetable oils. He previously held positions within Bunge and ADM in the US, Germany, Brazil, Singapore, Mexico and Bolivia.


Dr. Wilson Wasielesky Junior

Institute of Oceanography of the Federal University of Rio Grande

Dr. Wilson Wasielesky Junior

Institute of Oceanography of the Federal University of Rio Grande

Super-intensive shrimp farming in the BFT system: structures and basic management

Undergraduate in Oceanography from the Federal University of Rio Grande (1991), Master's and Doctorate in Biological Oceanography from the Federal University of Rio Grande (1994 and 2000). Postdoc at the University of South Carolina/Waddell Mariculture Center in 2005. He supervised over 150 undergraduate and graduate degrees in the area of Aquaculture and Biological Oceanography. He is the author of more than 200 scientific articles in indexed journals.

3874 citations in Web of Science (H-Index 31); more than 4731 citations in Scopus from 178 indexed articles and 7773 citations in Google Academic with I-10 125 index.

He is currently a researcher and permanent professor at the Institute of Oceanography of the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), Brazil. Level 1A researcher of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development of Brazil (CNPq). Coordination of the FURG Marine Shrimp Farming Program that includes joint research with Guabi Aqua, Inve Technologies, Trevisan S.A., Aquatec S.A. and AllAqua. Experience in the area of shrimp reproduction, larval rearing and management of shrimp culture in ponds and in biofloc systems.

Official Sponsors

Blue Aqua
Grand Aqua
MSD Animal Health
US Soy
Hatchery Feed
Industria Acuicola
International Aqua Feed
Panorama Acuicola

Travel Information

All participants are required to pay their own accommodation and travel expenses



Panama RIU Hotels & Resorts

Calle 50 y 53 E, Urb. Marbella
Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá

Blooking Information:
RIU Plaza Information



Things to do in Panama

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Panama Visitor Information