Digestive Content Analysis Laboratory Technician

Boulogne-sur-Mer, Hauts-de-France, France Full Time

Job Details

Main activities
- Coordinate the operational organization of the transport, reception and storage of samples and data.
- Organize and monitor the sending of samples,
- Assess the capacity to receive and process samples collected by other member states,
- Manage orders for equipment and consumables and maintain the operational conditions of the Trophic Networks platform
- Participate in the national discussion on the use of digestive contents for the study of trophic networks:
- Contribute to the drafting and dissemination of reference documents, such as the guide to protocols for the analysis of digestive contents for the study of trophic networks,
- Carry out embarkations on fishing campaigns involved in the collection of samples for the analysis of digestive contents,
- Participate in the annual DCF reporting,
- Maintain up-to-date skills on digestive content analysis techniques,
- Participate in the processing of digestive contents and other methods within the framework of research projects

Relational fields
- Internally: HMMN unit staff involved in the trophic network platform, fisheries units, SIH coordination, coordination of fisheries conventions
- Externally: European laboratories involved in the analysis of digestive contents


- Bac +2 or 3 maximum in biology?,
- Laboratory experience,
- Driving license B essential
Skills implemented
- Technical / professional skills
Knowledge, know-how
- Knowledge of marine ecology
- Good computer skills (spreadsheet, word processing, etc.)
- Knowledge of methods for analyzing digestive contents
- Taxonomy
- Microscopy and image analysis
- Monitoring of a laboratory protocol,
- Experience in dissection and animal biology
- Understanding of English (oral and written).
- Knowledge and practice of good laboratory methods (quality assurance).

Contact Information




Post Date: 8/18/2024 12:48:18 PM
Closing Date: 9/15/2024 12:00:00 AM