Ph.D. student project

Poland Full Time

Job Details

Preliminary studies revealed that the extracts of St. John`s wort and ribwort plantain displayed strong virucidal activities against CyHV-3, a virus which might cause up to 100% mortality in common carp population.

The goals of this project are:

  • elucidate whether virucidal extracts might prevent transmission of CyHV-3 from infected to naïve carp,
  • elucidate, whether presence of virucidal extracts in carp-rearing water can modulate innate immune response and/or stimulates adaptive immune response,
  • establish the best method and conditions of extraction of herbs to generate the most potent virucidal extracts,
  • indicate which compounds of extracts are crucial to maintain virucidal activity of the extracts,
  • determine the maximal possible scale of application of virucidal extracts in aquaculture.

Within this project following techniques will be applied: in vitro cell culture, viral work, work with common carp, examination of toxicity in vitro and in vivo, determination of cytopathic effect, qPCR, hematologic, histological and biochemical analysis as well as FACS.


  1. A master`s degree in biology, biotechnology, veterinary, microbiology or equivalent (expected before October 1st 2024); 
  2. Basic knowledge in cell culture, immunology, physiology and molecular biology;
  3. Excellent predispositions to work under sterile conditions;
  4. Well-developed anticipating, planning and analytical thinking skills;
  5. High commitment to assigned tasks and accuracy;
  6. Communicative spoken and written English, enabling work with English-language scientific literature;
  7. Flexible and open for changes;
  8. Practical experience in laboratory work, preferably with techniques which will be applied within the project;

Contact Information

Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of Agricultural Sciences

Where to apply

Post Date: 8/17/2024 10:55:47 AM
Closing Date: 10/1/2024 12:00:00 AM