Aquaculture Technician

Seattle, Washington Full Time

Job Details

The NWFSC’s Environmental Physiology Program is conducting research aimed at improving the environmental sustainability and economic feasibility of marine aquaculture. Methods for induction of reproductive sterility are broadly needed in marine aquaculture due to biosafety concerns associated with escape of farmed fish and potential genetic contamination of wild stocks. This project seeks to develop non-GMO methods for sterilization that can be applied on a large scale by the aquaculture industry to shellfish and finfish species. In addition, the development of an “analytical tool-kit” to assess physiological parameters in cultured shellfish that may be predictive of multi-stressor resistance (e.g., resistance to ocean acidification and elevated temperature) in the field is highly needed. Research under this project focuses on reproductive physiology in marine species and the development of predictive biomarkers of multi-stress resistance in cultured shellfish species.

The project for which services are needed focuses on development of methods for reproductive sterilization of shellfish and finfish aquaculture species and the development and validation of physiological assays that can be used to predict multi-stress resistance in cultured shellfish. These are key research areas for the Environmental Physiology Program at the NWFSC that have been supported by the NOAA Office of Aquaculture and Ocean Acidification Program. Research activities shall include: 1) assisting with rearing and manipulation of experimental animals in controlled, captive conditions; 2) planning for and collecting tissue samples from experimental animals for downstream analysis; 3) organizing samples and conducting laboratory analyses using histology and microscopy, molecular biology techniques, and cellular/chemical bioassays; 4) organizing, analyzing, graphing and summarizing data obtained; 5) assisting with preparation of written reports and peer-reviewed publications, as well as slide decks for scientific presentations.


The hiring of the Aquaculture Technician will be eventually determined by Propel Solutions (Propel), a Mentor Protégé Joint Venture arrangement between Lynker Corporation (Lynker) and Axiom Consultants (Axiom).  As such, if the contract is awarded, the selected Aquaculture Technician will be hired by either Lynker, or Axiom.

Duties of the Aquaculture Technician will include the following:


TASK ONE. Shellfish/fish culture and experimental manipulations

  1. Description: The contractor shall conduct shellfish husbandry and manipulations of experimental fish and shellfish held in controlled conditions at the NWFSC Montlake Lab and/or Manchester Research Station. This may entail set up and maintenance of experimental systems for multi-stressor shellfish trials, daily care and feeding of experimental shellfish, experimental diet preparation and feeding fish, enumerating larvae or fish, testing water quality, cleaning tanks and net pens, and modifying tank systems and seawater lines as needed.
  2. Deliverables: Successful experimentation and records of any data collected related to shellfish culture or experimental manipulations.

TASK TWO. Tissue collections

  1. Description: The contractor shall prepare supplies for tissue sampling events and assist staff scientists with tissue collections. Preparation for sampling events typically entails labeling tubes for collection of biological tissues, preparing field note sheets and packing supplies for sampling. Sampling itself typically entails collecting size data (length, weight, and tag number where applicable) and tissue samples from experimental animals using an RNase-free technique. Biological samples shall be properly stored for later analysis.
  2. Deliverables: Well-organized sampling events; reliable data collected; properly sampled and preserved tissues for later analysis.

TASK THREE. Laboratory analyses

  1. Description: The contractor shall conduct laboratory analyses of various physiological factors in shellfish and finfish, including histology and microscopy, molecular biology techniques, immuno- and enzyme assays, and metabolic rate assays measured via respirometry. It is likely that optimization of established methodologies will be required for a particular species/life-stage experimental paradigm. Specific laboratory techniques that the contractor shall use are: 1) paraffin histology (tissue processing, embedding, sectioning, staining) and microscopy to assess cellular and anatomical features of the gonad or other tissues; 2) molecular biology techniques such as DNA and RNA isolations and sequencing, gel electrophoresis, oligo primer design, standard and quantitative PCR, targeted gene cloning, gene knock-downs and in situ hybridizations; 3) cellular and chemical bioassays for shellfish and fish tissues, including enzyme activity assays and hormone bioassays; and 4) metabolic rate assays measured via respirometry and/or metabolic proxy, such as resazurin assay.
  2. Deliverable: Biological data or tissue extracts from laboratory analyses.

TASK FOUR. Data entry, organization, analysis and presentation

  1. Description: The contractor shall enter and compile data and notes from all laboratory and field activities in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. The contractor shall conduct initial statistical analyses using standard statistical software (e.g., R or Prism) and generate preliminary graphs/tables and data summaries for review by the Project Leader. Hard copies of data sheets from field sampling shall be kept in a secure location, while all electronic data shall be stored on a NWFSC computer and backed up to external hard drives to be provided by the NWFSC. The contractor shall assist with writing materials and methods and other sections for annual reports and peer-reviewed publications, and assist with developing slide decks for presentations at scientific meetings. Finally, the contractor shall provide a monthly status progress report (to the Contracting Officer and POC via email), to include, but not necessarily limited to, the following: accomplishments, issues encountered, travel (including purpose, significant outcomes, action items), and recommendations, if applicable.
  2. Deliverables: Data accurately entered, properly stored, and backed-up to avoid loss of information; preliminary graphs/tables and data summaries for research projects; fertility and hatch rate data following fish spawning trials; fish growth or body size summaries following sampling events; gene expression data summaries for samples assayed; hormone level data for samples assayed; compilations for histological information obtained from microscopy; contribution to the development of scientific reports, publications, and presentations relevant to the project.


The Aquaculture Technician selected should have the following:


Education - Bachelor's degree, or higher, from an accredited college or university with a major directly related in a field of study as related to the requirements of specific task order, with emphasis in aquaculture, fisheries, molecular biology or oceanography, plus 1+ years of experience in a related field or combination of such totaling 5+ years of combined education/experience.  A Master’s Degree may be substituted for experience.


Additional required qualifications include:

  1. Knowledge and experience working in a research laboratory.
  2. Knowledge of husbandry and reproduction of shellfish and/or fish.
  3. Knowledge of and experience with molecular biology techniques, including deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) isolations, gel electrophoresis, and polymerase-chain reaction (PCR) assays. Knowledge of cellular and biochemical assays such as enzyme activity and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays.
  4. Experience with graphing and statistical software, such as Microsoft Excel and Prism.
  5. Experience developing data summaries and writing methods from research conducted.
  6. Ability to lift two, 5-gallon buckets full of water and carry them 30 yards.
  7. Valid driver's license to allow for driving Government-Owned Vehicles.


The Ideal Aquaculture Technician will have the following:

  1. Experience writing materials and methods sections for scientific reports and/or publications.
  2. Experience with ribonucleic acid (RNA) extractions and in situ hybridization.
  3. Experience culturing aquatic species, such as fish and/or shellfish.


The selected Aquaculture Technician will work up to 40 hours per week. Travel may be required for this role.


We request that you include a cover letter with your application. Please either include your over letter in the same file as your resume, underneath of your resume; OR once you have applied by Creating/Using an Account with Lynker, you may upload a cover letter within your user profile.

Contact Information


Post Date: 7/22/2024 10:10:56 AM
Closing Date: 8/5/2024 12:00:00 AM