Researcher in Aquaculture and Environment Interactions

Ålesund, Norway Full Time

Job Details

The Department of Biological Sciences Ålesund (IBA), NTNU has a position available as Researcher (code 1108). The position is 100 % and for a period of 2 years, and the workplace will be at NTNU, Campus Ålesund. The starting date is as soon as possible but is negotiable.

The position is closely connected to our R&D license for salmonids in the sea, and the successful candidate will work in close collaboration with scientific staff at IBA and our research group InnoSEA. At IBA we work in cross-disciplinary teams and main topics within the scope of the positions include fish welfare, behavior of farmed salmonids and aquaculture-environment interactions. More specifically, relevant projects for these positions aim to develop monitoring techniques for fish behavior in aquaculture cages and parasites in the sea, to elucidate the role of fish density and behavior on salmon lice infestations and overall fish welfare, and to evaluate methods to measure, monitor and increase fish welfare. 

Your immediate leader is the Head of department at IBA.

Duties of the position

As researcher at IBA, the successful candidate will be part of our research team and participate in all regular research tasks, including experimental planning, data collection, analyses and dissemination. Practical work will include:

  • Fieldwork in projects related to projects at our R&D license for salmonids under various weather conditions, as well as post-processing of samples
  • Handling of scientific equipment for sampling of water and fish 
  •  Measurements of welfare status of fish both manually or by new technologies 
  •  Analyses of plankton samples using traditional or sensor- and video-based techniques
  •  Dissemination of results
  •  General support of projects at IBA
  •  Participation in the writing of research grants, if relevant  
  •  Cooperation with PhD students, master and bachelor students


We work at the interface of biology and technology to solve biological problems in the marine environment, and we encourage candidates with formal education at least at M.Sc. level and with background in aquaculture, marine and environmental sciences, biology, veterinary science, but also engineering and ICT or other relevant education to apply. 

The candidates need to be experienced in at least one of the following areas:

  • Finfish aquaculture research
  • marine environmental research
  • mechanical engineering or control
  • ICT      

The candidates must show a clear interest in complex interactions of aquaculture with the marine environment and fish welfare and will be able to participate in all parts of a project workflow related to the work description. 

Professional English proficiency is required to support scientific dissemination activities.

Preferred selection criteria

The ideal candidate has additional hands-on experience with some of the following: 

  • handling of fish or other marine animals 
  • field work, also at sea
  • water and plankton analyses 
  • relevant statistical data analyses 
  • machine learning, ideally object recognition

A good project and publication track record is advantageous, but we also encourage early-stage researchers to apply. 

The preferred work language is Norwegian and therefore skills in Norwegian or another Scandinavian language are advantageous.

About the application

The application and supporting documentation must be in English.

Please note that your application will be considered based solely on information submitted by the application deadline. You must therefore ensure that your application clearly demonstrates how your skills and experience fulfil the criteria specified above.  If, for any reason, you have taken a career break or have had an atypical career and wish to disclose this in your application, the selection committee will take this into account, recognizing that the quantity of your research may be reduced as a result.

The application must include (Departments to choose from the following):

  • CV, certificates and diplomas
  •  If applicable: Academic works - published or unpublished - that you would like to be considered in the assessment (up to 10 works)
  • If applicable: Details of the projects you have managed or participated in, with information about role and duration
  • Names and contact information for three relevant referees

Joint work will also be considered. If it is difficult to identify your specific input to a joint project, you must include evidence of your contributions. In the assessment of the best qualified applicant, we will emphasize education, experience and personal suitability as well as your motivation for the position.

Contact Information

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Post Date: 7/7/2024 9:57:59 AM
Closing Date: 8/4/2024 12:00:00 AM