PhD Studentship - Developing scallop aquaculture in New Zealand

Auckland, New Zealand Full Time $33,000 NZD Tax free

Job Details

New Zealand’s aquaculture industry is dominated by three key species, Pacific oysters, Greenshell mussels, and King salmon. As such, there is increasing interest in developing new species for the country’s aquaculture sector. One such species is the New Zealand scallop, Pecten novaezelandiae. Initial small-scale trials in the Coromandel suggest it might be possible to farm this species within existing mussel farm infrastructure. This project will focus on developing approaches for maximizing wild scallop spat catches, and for ongrowing wild scallop spat. This project will involve working closely alongside industry to deliver commercial outcomes and will involve a mixture of field and laboratory work.
The successful candidate will have:
Exceptional oral and written communication skills enabling them to work closely with the aquaculture industry.
Practical skills and an ability to work in the field and alongside industry to produce commercially relevant results.
A positive attitude, a strong work ethic and a strong sense of accountability.

This is a fully funded PhD position, i.e., includes a tax-free stipend ($33,000 NZD), tuition fees and research expenses for three years.
Please send a half page application describing what makes you a good candidate along with a CV and academic transcript to Brad Skelton (


Need to qualify for entry into UoA PhD programme

Contact Information

University of Auckland
Brad Skelton


Post Date: 5/13/2024 9:53:24 PM
Closing Date: 6/30/2024 12:00:00 AM